Chapter 16- Promise

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     Thor's POV:
    Battle. Saving Universe. Fighting against monsters. Again. I got used to it already. After all, I was an avenger and future king of Asgard. Even though, fighting in multiverse was a new thing to me and to all of us, still, I was ready.  I had to it for the universe, for the people, for Diana.
     I do not want to bother you with the detailed description how Olympian gods and goddesses reacted to the modern world. I am gonna tell you just one thing: watching how Zeus was staring at Tony Stark's luxurious car and how Apollo was eating chocolate ice cream was the funniest thing to see. I could not imagine that I was acting the same way when I first arrived to the earth.
    Earth... Midgard... what a wonderful place to live in. Place which gave me friends, family and  precious memories... I would do anything to protect this place and these people, I knew it would not be  an easy thing to do, but I owed it to them.

Diana's POV:
     I was looking at Thor, who was deeply absorbed in thought. I did not know what was going on in his head, but I knew one thing. Lots of things happened to me in past few weeks and huge battle was ahead of me. I told myself that it was enough. I proved that I was a worthy fighter, I payed whatever debt I had, so I promised myself that if  Thor and I survived this battle, we would be together, we would fulfill our dreams and finally find happiness.
"Wait... what if  Thor does not want to be with you?" you might ask that, but I  trust me on that,  he does. I feel it, I feel it with whole my heart.

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