Chapter 8 -Smile

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     Diana's POV:  

          I was not feeling anything, it was like floating in the sea of clouds. I could not say whether I alive or dead or maybe, I was never existing. It was calm, calm, and peaceful, till the shocking pain hit me and somehow I got conscious.

Thor's POV:

       I was holding Diana in my arms, she was not breathing, my heart just stopped from fear. I thought that I lost her, but suddenly she opened her eyes.

-Diana! Diana! - yelled I and grabbed her cold hands.

-Thor... I do not know...- she was speaking weakly. Her voice was terribly shaking.

-Artemis, save her please! - I asked the goddess to help us, but she looked no less confused than I was:

-I do not understand, she was okay, what is going on!

-We must do something!

-Wait a minute, her arm.... she is bleeding- said Artemis and caught Diana's cloth with a knife. Blood was coming from a tiny scar.

-How.... how is that even possible?- I was shocked.

-Diana, did some of Hades's creatures hit you with a knife? did their knives get to scratch your skin?- asked Artemis to Diana and I noticed terrible fear in the goddess's voice.

-I do not remember... maybe... I do not know...- Diana was barely opening her eyes.

-This is bad, Thor...-Artemis turned to me- all the weapons of Hades's creatures are poisoned.

-There must be something we can do!
-There is, but I am afraid it is nearly impossible.

-As we know the only way to cure that poison is to find all the ingredients...- she began to explain but I quickly interrupted:

-But I know all of this, it is part of Diana's and my mission, don't you remember?

-let me finish! this way of curing her will not work because we don't have enough time for this, Diana has barely one day.

-What?- fear once again froze my blood.

-But there is another way too, but it is... it is...

-Just say it!-I got angry and lightning hit the cave.

-Asclepius, my nephew, and the god of medicine can heal her.

-Then what are waiting for.... let's go and find him.

-He is dead, Thor.

-Dead? but how... is not he a god?

-Asclepius is a demigod, actually and centuries ago he was killed by Zeus.

-Then what can we do?- I almost got panicked.

-Only way to save Diana is to go to the underworld and get Asclepius from there. Going to the underworld is easy, but no one comes back, and even if in some imagination situation, we go, we only have a single day to do so-Artemis sighed and looked at Diana.

      I looked at her too. She was so beautiful, so gentle. I smiled, it was a smile of sadness, then I looked ar Artemis:

-Teach me the way to go to the underworld.

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