Chapter 1- Multiverse

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Avengers' Tower:

All the avengers were gathered in the large hall of the tower. Nick seemed angry, worried, and frustrated.

-Do you realize what kind of danger we are going to face? Multiverse!!! hundreds and maybe thousands of other superheroes and supervillains. What if someone attacks us? someone as strong as Thor or as skilled in magic as Doctor Strange or Wanda Maximoff? What if they are evil? What if there is a huge army of aliens, who want to destroy us? How is S.H.I.E.L.D. supposed to protect this damn world from all of them?

-S.H.I.E.L.D. is not alone in this fight. We are here, with you- said Steve Rogers with an inspiring, strong voice.

-Thanks, Captain, I did not know that- said Fury sarcastically.

-No need for cynicism, Odin- pointed out Tony.

- Says the king of cynicism, pff- Fury's voice became more ironic.

-Do not mention my father in the humorous context again!- Thor warned Tony.

-Okay, that is enough! what is this gathering of the world's most powerful heroes or a kindergarten!- Carol shushed everyone- keep yourselves calm, we will figure out something, together- she emphasized the last word.

-Easy for you, Captain, I would not be afraid either, if I were as powerful as you- said Ant-Man.

-Why is everybody discussing the worst scenarios only? What if they do not want to fight at all? What if we can become allies instead of enemies- asked Pepper Pots, who, as a Rescue, joined the avengers recently.

-Pepper has a point, actually, we have to discuss this option as well- Rhodey agreed to her.

-But this is just an option, we cant rely on ''What if", when the safety of the whole world is under the question- Nick Fury set down and sipped water from a glass.

-You have a point too- Rhodey shrugged.

-I have an idea- suddenly Natasha Romanoff's voice broke the silence.

Everybody turned to her.

-We know where is the portal and with the help of Doctor Strange and Wong, we can reach them. So, let's try to negotiate and send five of our strongest avengers. They will talk to them, ask them what do they want, what are their intentions, et cetera. If they do not want any kind of interaction, good for us, if they want a fight, bad for us, but we will be ready for sure, and if they wish to be friends with us, the best for us. We will welcome them, whoever they are.

Some of the avengers clapped.

-Wonderful idea, Nat- Clint patted on her shoulder.

-Good job, Romanoff, I like this plan- Fury nodded.

-Okay, let's choose the team and we can go and start preparing- Steve stood up.

An awkward silence filled the hall.

-Sorry, capsicle, but you are not going, clearly- Tony told him and could not resist laugh when he saw Steve's shocked face.

-But, I am a leader of the team.

-Yeah, but, you are not among the strongest avengers.- said Carol.

-Remind me, Danvers, who knocked Thanos down?

-You with Thor's powers.

The situation became even more awkward.

-Okay, enough! Captain, you are not going! -Nick Fury told Steve as calmly as possible- As much as we all appreciate your wonderful skills of leadership, in this case, we need power more. Besides, Carol is quite an amazing leader. So, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Doctor Banner AKA Hulk, and Captain Marvel, suit up!

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