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I do not own any of the Marvel or DC characters!!! I only own characters, which I created for the story.
       Little Diana was watching night sky, full of stars. She recognized some of the constellations. "There is Orion"- thought she.

Poor hunter Orion was killed by Scorpion, because he made goddess Artemis angry. Centuries  passed after these events.

Sometimes, Diana was wondering about Greek deities. What were they look like?! How was their talking or
acting manner?!

Little Amazon-Princess was interested in myths about Love, especially.  "Love" How magical this word sounded! Little did she know that some day her dreams would come true, but before that she had to endure tremendous pain- lose of the first love.

After the death of Steve Trevor, Diana's heart broke into pieces, but many years later someone special found every part of it and made it whole again. But before that.... there was a long, long way.

When Diana Met ThorWhere stories live. Discover now