Chapter 20 -Portals

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Thor's POV:
We celebrated our victory after the battle. Iron Man and Batman organized huge party for all of us. Believe me, we had an indescribable fun evening. Olympian gods really liked modern world. Zeus, like me, became huge fan of pop tarts. Athena got amazed with new kinds of martial arts, Apollo and Artemis drunk as much whiskey as they could, while Hera and Aphrodite could not help but buying tons of jewels and cosmetics. ( actually, Tony bought these staff for goddesses). It was fun. We got to know each other... but after that time of taking serious decisions came.

Diana's POV:
We all set around the large, round table. Zeus asked us to pay an attention.
-I do not want to overshadow the joy we feel because of our victory, but there is one crucially important issue I want to discuss with you. - with that my father looked at Doctor Strange.
-King Zeus is right. This issue is portals. We cannot let them be open, we need to close it.- said Stephen Strange.
-For how long?- asked Cyborg.
-Forever.- said Zeus and this made my heart bouncing and skipping and I could swear that Thor felt the same, as if I heard his thoughts.
-Does this mean that we will no longer be able to interact with other universes?- asked Wanda.
-Yes. We all have to stay in our universes. - nodded Zeus.
-But that is not fair!- protested Carol- we got so well to each other, we became friends and battle with Hades proved that when we are together, we are invincible.
-Hades won't be the only villain who can come from the portals, Captain and we do not know how powerful this other villain will be.- Strange explained.
-More powerful than Hades?- asked I with concerned voice.
-Quite possible- said Zeus.
-Why go far, Miss Danvers, more powerful being than Hades is standing right in front of you- said Jean Grey AKA Dark Phoenix.
-Actually, Doc and ginger have a point here- said Aquaman- I like you guys, avengers and X-Men a lot, but I am not gonna suffer from depression if I won't see you again, but another villains are real danger- said Aquaman.
-His majesty is right- Captain nodded- we cannot take that risk.
-I guess this is a first time I agree with Cap- Tony smirked.
-Who is against closing portals?- asked Zeus.
No one raised a hand, not even Thor and I. Because we knew they were right. Portals had to be closed, but then...

Thor's POV:
I heard Diana's voice, voice which could melt down my heart within seconds.
-But where are you going to stay?- She turned to Zeus and Olympian gods.
-In this universe, with you my daughter- smiled king of Olympus with wide smile.
I could swear that I heard how my heart broke. I looked at Diana. She was looking at her father quietly, then she said with shaking voice:
-It will make happy to be here with you.
-That is it then. Tomorrow, we are going to close the portals.- said Zeus with a high, thunder-like voice.
Diana's POV:
I did not know what to tell Thor. He deserved right farewell. I owed to him to say goodbye.
I found him at the rooftop. He was staring at night sky.
-Beautiful, is not it?- said I and approached him. Thor turned around.
-It is really beautiful, Diana and it reminds me of you.
-How so?- asked I and tried my best not to burst out in tears.
-It is mysterious, beautiful and impossible to reach.
-Why are you saying that? - asked I, even though I knew the answer.
-I would leave everyone and everything for you Diana, I would leave an Asgard if I had a single heir to the throne, but I cannot do that, I cannot leave my kingdom and people and for that reason, tomorrow I am going to lose you, Diana, I am going to lose you for good.- tear fell down from his cheek.
That was it. I burst out in tears.
-This is not fair, Thor! This is not fair! Why do I always have to chose? Why cannot I be happy? I chose once to let Steve Trevor to sacrifice himself for the greater good, then I chose again to let him go for the sake of world, then... in the underworld, I chose to leave him, because I knew I wanted to be with you and now, when everything seemed to be alright, I have to chose between you and my home, my family...- I was sobbing hysterically.
-Diana, please- Thor hugged me and kissed my forehead. Please, do not cry. You deserve to stay with your family, you always wanted to have one and now you have father and aunts, sisters, brothers... you can find love of your life here too!
-No, Thor! You are love of my life! - said I and kissed him. Suddenly everything froze. There was nothing but night sky and us.

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