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It was a beautiful, starry night in Asgard. Diana Prince was standing there with a little, black haired girl in her hands. Idonnea was giggling and asking her mom questions about stars and whether she could name them. She was so cute and sweet. Diana could never imagine such a powerful love was possible. She did not know she was able to love someone that much, until she hold Idonnea in her arms.
Four years passed after portals closed and she lost her universe, her home and her newly found family. It was not easy for her and sometimes she was crying at night, but it was not happening frequently, because she had everything she ever wanted. Family and Happiness.
-Come on, Idonnea, your dad is waiting for us to tell the fairytale- said Diana and entered the palace.
Night sky was sparkling with stars and Wonder Woman knew that she did a right thing, she did a right thing to chose love of her life, to chose Thor.

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