Chapter 5- Teams

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   There was not a single question or second thought about saving Wanda's life or stopping Hades. Superheroes of both universes, Marvel and DC, agreed that Hades was coming for the whole multiverse, and thus this problem had to be solved by their combined forces. Strange notified the rest of the Avengers and they all gathered at the large hall of Bruce Wayne's residence.

-We all know that our universes are the same, but there is only one big difference- here, exists underworld and Olympus, places where Greek deities lived, while in our universe, there are Asgardian kingdoms, living places of Scandinavian gods and goddess.

-So, Zeus or Ares never existed in our world?-asked Peter Parker.

-No, never. All the prophesies and myths related to Greek mythology were discusses as just fictional stories. Somehow, it turned out to be true, but in another universe. To continue, I would like to say that we have to divide into four groups and find ingredients for the antidote, this way we not only save Wanda's life but also gain the power to destroy Hades.

-What do you think my uncle wants?-asked Diana.

-It is hard to say exactly, Princess, but as written in our books, Hades wants revenge against his older brothers, but because of the fact that you are the only surviving descendent of them, he probably tries to kill you.

-Not if I kill him first- said Thor angrily, even the thought of someone hurting Diana, almost made him mad.

-How are you going to kill the god of death himself?-asked Bucky Barnes, but before Thor answered, Strange, said:

-That is the thing that makes this whole mess extremely complicated, it is not east either to kill other deities, but a god of death itself will take lots of bravery, effort, risks, and maybe lives.

        Silenced filled the room.

-So,- Strange continued- if you do not want to participate in this mission you are free to say it now.

-Who do you think we are, Doctor?- said Superman with an annoying voice- do you think that we just sit calmly in our houses while the terrible threat is coming to our worlds and Miss Maximoff's days are counted? How can we call ourselves superheroes after that? I am sure that when I say this I speak for my teammates as well- There is literally no way we stay outside of this mission!

-Clark is right!-said Batman and stood up- Justice League stands by Avengers' side in this battle.

-What more can we say! I am more than impresses and proud that we are going to be teammates- said Steve and warmly shook Batman's hand.

-Well, all of this is very emotional and I think Strange knew at the beginning that his question was rhetorical, so can we skip all this jibber-jabber and tears and get to the plan actually?- Tony looked around at superheroes.

-I like this man- smirked Aquaman and winked to Iron Man.

-At some point, Tony is right, it is time to get to the plan-Natasha Romanoff agreed to her Mr. Stark.

-I already have a plan and I am sure you will be willing to follow...-began Strange.

-Tell us then- said everyone simultaneously.

-We are going to divide into four teams. Each time goes for one ingredient. Let's start with Vanahaim, Valkyrie and Loki will go there with the help of Iron Man, Rescue, and Cyborg.

-What about Thor?-asked Steve.

-We need him elsewhere. As for Atlantis, Aquaman goes there, of course, Spider-Man will accompany him and before you ask my magic can take care of underwater breathing problems.

-I, myself, visit Olympus alongside Doctor Banner, Flash, Black Widow, and Hawkeye.

-Thor and Wonder Woman are going to Underworld.

-That's it? -asked Superman.


-What about the rest of us?-Carol could not hide her outrage.

-You all are needed here. There are millions of other universes and our worlds are in Danger. For instance,  I have heard that in one world lives the strongest human being ever- Phoenix, who sometimes becomes Dark Phoenix, and there is a possibility of an attack. That's why I need you here. Especially you, Miss Danvers, and Mister Kent.

-Maybe you did not hear what Superman said! I am not going to stay home, while my best friend is dying!- yelled Carol.

-Who told you that you have time for sitting at the home! Trust me, Dark Phoenix plans to attack our universes and it will happen soon. And for your information, if this coming, there is a chance that the combined powers of Captain Marvel and Superman will not be enough!

   Everyone asked.

-Who is he!- asked Batman with a shocked voice.

-Maybe it's she, you sexist bastard- Aquaman smirked.

-With all due respect, your majesty, does this situation really look like a joke to you?- Captain America seemed irritated

-Actually, the King of Atlantis is right!- said Strange- Dark Phoenix is a young girl, and believe me if even a half of what I have read about her is true, she is not a less danger than Hades, if not more...

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