Chapter 2 - DC vs Marvel

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Ten minutes went by since five of the strongest avengers entered the portal. They did not know where they were going, but finally, they saw a large, green field.

Doctor Strange was the first one who came out from the portal.

-I guess we are near New York- said Bruce Banner and looked around.

-Don't move!- suddenly they heard an adenoidal voice of the man.

-Stop right there!- added Women with a sword in her hand. She looked like an amazon warrior.

-You were not there minutes ago-said shocked Wanda.

-Looks like they have a speedster- Strange explained.

-Speedsters, actually- they heard another voice and four other people came- my friend and teammate Superman is also a speedster, maybe not a speedster actually, but...

-Shut up, Barry- Amazonian warrior shushed the young man with the red costume.

-You! Put down your hammer!- Superman yelled to Thor.

-Who are you to give me commands!- yelled the god of thunder.

-You heard the man- Man with adenoidal voice threw a knife to him, but left shocked when it did not leave a single scratch on Thor.

-You should not have done this!- yelled Asgardian angrily and a thunderstorm began. That was it. The battle began between the heroes of Marvel and DC.

Wonder Woman threw a lasso of truth to Thor, but Carol caught it with one hand:

-Not so fast, sister!

-I am not your sister!-yelled Diana angrily and attacked Carol. The battle between Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel got intense but the Amazonian princess had never fought such a powerful opponent. While ladies were trying to knock each other down, Superman and Thor were fighting in the sky. Wanda made the speedster unconscious and then attacked the cyborg. She was much too strong for both of them and easily won the fight. Meanwhile, Doctor Strange attacked Batman and Aquaman was trying desperately to defeat Hulk, but it did not go well for him. After ten minutes, Batman, Aquaman, Speedster, and Cyborg were out to fight. Doctor Strange flew to Thor, while Wanda rushed to help Carol. Wonder Woman realized that and Superman alone did not have a chance, thus she yelled:

-Stop! Stop the fight!- let us talk!

-What do you want to say?-asked Carol suspiciously.

-My teammates and I were just trying to defend our country, our world!

-And what made you think that we were enemies?-asked Wanda.

-You are not?-Superman flew down on the ground.

-No! we just wanted to negotiate with you. We were trying to find out your intentions!- Explained Doctor Strange.

Wonder Woman and Superman looked at each other, then nodded and said:

-Let's talk then!

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