Chapter 17- Let's Be Prepared

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Thor's POV:
Avengers tower was turned into a chaotic pit. Everyone was running across the halls and preparing for the battle. Clint and Natasha took their bows and knives, Captain suited up and hold his shield, Iron Man and Captain Marvel were wearing their suits as well. Everyone was ready for the fight and suddenly she came out from her chamber. There she was... Diana.... as beautiful as silver moon on night sky. Her eyes were dark like stormy clouds and her black, flawless hair was falling on her shoulders like a waterfall. She was the most beautiful being I have ever seen and even though Aphrodite, golden-haired goddess of love and beauty was standing there, still I could not help but stare at Diana. I could not imagine beauty like that ever existed. This was unusual, spectacular beauty. She was holding shield and sword, immense strength and bravery were spreading from her and were mixed with her gentleness, kindness and prettiness. She was a vision.
-Hey, Thor!- suddenly I heard the voice of Wanda.
-Did you tell me something?
-What are you staring at?
-Wanda, darling, the right question is, whom you are staring at?- chuckled Carol as she approached us.
-What is it?- I asked them with irritated voice.
-Nothing, it is just, Captain America and Zeus wanted to see us.- said Carol.
-To introduce us their plan.- shrugged Wanda.
Plan... it would be nice to have one or to get known to one. Unfortunately, as soon as Wanda finished sentence, something extremely powerful hit the tower and ground began shaking.
-They are here!- roared Zeus.
That was it. Battle began.
-Assemble!- yelled Captain America.

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