29 • I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

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A/N: taken from my other one-shot book so apologies if you've read it before! Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and hopefully a much better new year. Love always,
-Ally xo

Juliette Marion Cavanaugh had a MASSIVE secret, huge, enormous, in fact: incomprehensibly large.

Last night she had seen her mommy kissing Santa Claus.

It was Christmas Eve in the Cavanaugh house. Toby had gone to volunteer at the local hospital giving toys to the kids who couldn't be home for Christmas and Spencer had been given the almost impossible task of putting an overly excited 5 and 7 year old to bed.

Well, long after her mother had read her a story and tucked her in, Juliette had heard a noise and, like any kid would, had crept downstairs to have a peep just in case she could get a glimpse of the real-life Santa.

What she had seen had shocked her far more than seeing the real Santa ever could.

Her mom was standing in the living room KISSING Santa who was holding a sprig of Mistletoe over her mom's head.

Juliette, hidden by the banister, could not believe her eyes. Now as a 7 year old her first thought whenever she saw anyone kissing was "Ew, gross." But the only reaction she could think to have was her jaw dropping. Her mom and dad were so in love! How could her mom do this!

That led her on to her next thought: "I'm telling Daddy."

Juliette crept back upstairs and for a moment, thought about going into her little brother's room to wake him up and tell him that the real Santa was actually downstairs.

No. She decided. A.J would definitely not want to see their mom kissing Santa Claus.

She snuck back into her bedroom and lay on her bed. She couldn't go back to sleep now! She squinted at the clock on her bedside table. The big hand was on the 12 and the little hand was on the 10.

Daddy had said they weren't allowed to go into their room until the little hand was on the 7.

Juliette sighed. She might as well TRY to go to sleep and hopefully when she wakes up the whole thing will have been a funny dream.

Finally, after what seemed like years, Juliette fell asleep.

At the same time, in a room across the hall, Santa was taking off his suit and getting into bed with Spencer.

He gently pulled her into his side and kissed her long chocolate brown curls.

"Merry Christmas Spence, I love you." he whispered to her.

Spencer turned her head and looked up at him.
"I love you too pretty eyes, Merry Christmas."

And they kissed.


Juliette's eyes slowly opened.

Something was niggling at the back of her mind but she couldn't remember what. Then it hit her.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!" she yelled, running into A.J's room. She looked at the clock on his wall, the little hand was on the 7 and the big hand was on the 5.

Yes!! As soon as she wakes up A.J they could wake up mommy and daddy and see what Santa left!

Then she remembered, she had seen Santa last night! In fact, she'd seen her mom with Santa last night.

She was absolutely telling Daddy.

But of course when you're 7 the biggest priority was of course-


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