37 • Brother Mine (Part 2)

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The first 2 months of Spencer and Toby's relationship was overshadowed by a custody battle for Sunny. It was draining on everyone involved. Toby spent a lot of time over at the Hastings house and Sunny stayed with Emily at the Fields'.

But it showed Toby how much Spencer was there for him. This was something an 18 should not be having to go through and his 16 year old girlfriend shouldn't have to support him through, but she did. Every time his anxiety got the better of him, Spencer pulled him into bed and cuddled him until his breath evened out or he cried it out. Even though they hadn't actually used the 'L' word yet, they both knew they felt it. She knew he hadn't be able to express his emotions properly in a long time, feeling like he needed to stay strong to support his sister. So it was like the floodgates opened. And for the first time since his Mom died, Toby Cavanaugh cried.

Uncharacteristically, Spencer was grateful for what her Mom was doing for her. Veronica had spent hours interviewing Sunny and Toby, asking about their upbringing, their mom dying, their relationship with their dad and with each other.

But finally everything paid off, after 2 months of negotiation, trips to family court, endless insistence that Sunny would be better with Toby, nights laying awake worrying about an uncertain future, it was over.

Toby was granted full custody, the fight was over and the loft was filled with boxes of the Cavanaugh's things.

Spencer, of course, helped and within 3 days the loft was fully furnished and ready to be the Cavanaugh siblings' home.

Spencer unpacked the last box of living room things, taking a picture of a little Toby holding a baby Sunny in his arms. She gazed at it, taking in the details, her thumb stroking over the younger version of her boyfriend when he came up behind her, snaking his arms round her waist and kissing her shoulder.

He smiled at the picture. "I keep meaning to put a picture of us up." he said and Spencer frowned. "There's one from a few years ago somewhere, I remember seeing it." she said and Toby chuckled.

"Not me and Sunny, I meant me and you. You're part of this family now." Toby said and Spencer grinned, leaning back into his touch. Whilst her and her mom had been getting along so much better recently, she'd never felt happier or more loved than she did with Toby. Toby took the picture from her and gently threw it on the couch, turning his girlfriend around to face him and kissing her deeply.

Their lips moved in sync, gently and lovingly and Toby ran his tongue along Spencer's lip so she'd open her mouth and deepen the kiss. They made out in the living room for a few minutes, until Toby gently pulled away, giving her lips one last peck.

"I can't thank you enough for the last few months." he told her honestly. "I owe you so much. I wouldn't be here without you." he said, leaning in and pecking her lips again.

"Tobes, stop thanking me. It's what people do when they love someone." Spencer said before realising what she'd just admitted. Toby froze, his mind repeating what she'd just said. Had she actually just-

"Did you just say you love me?" he asked, his arms still circled around her, praying she couldn't feel his heartbeat going 100 miles an hour. He knew he loved Spencer but this was the furthest he'd ever got in a relationship. This was a huge step and technically she hadn't actually SAID it.

Spencer cleared her throat. "I mean technically I implied it but yes, Toby Cavanaugh, I love you." she said honestly, cupping his cheeks and looking deeply into his stunning ocean blue eyes. A huge grin spread across Toby's face. "I love you so much." Toby responded and soon the couple were back to kissing.

Spencer was beyond relieved at his reply. She knew she loved Toby and had been pretty sure Toby loved her too but admitting it was scary. She knew Toby had never got this far in a relationship and neither had she.

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