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A/N: Things to remember for this chapter=
-This is an Easter egg chapter.

-It doesn't affect the actual story.

-In this chapter, you dont have the Hanahaki Disease.

Okay now, on with the chapter!

I woke up and got ready, I wore my Christmas sweater that Yuu and I bought ages ago.

I tried to wake Saeko and Ryu,  it I failed miserably and I went downstairs to cook breakfast.

Once I had finished, the aroma brought them to the table.


"How was your sleep?"

"Good, I guess, if it wasnt for you waking me up- I was dreaming about Kiyoko-san."

"It was pretty good, anyways, how did you manage to cook all this?"

"I'm used to it, since almost nobody would be home to cook food, other than me."

"Well, it's so good!"

"Aww thanks!"

"Ryu, you've been pretty quiet, what are you hiding?"

"Why do you think I'm hiding something?"

"That's what you usually do when you're super quiet."

"I- That is not true!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Ryu, just tell us what you are hiding."

"Fine! I may have invited the voshllsheyshbashll  clshubsh over to celebrate-"

"What? I cant understand you."

"I invited the volleyball club over."

"You WHAT?!"


"Lemme guess, it was a bet and he's trying to impress Shimizu-senpai"

"Ahh, I see."

"HEY! I did not-"

"Shut it 'loverboy'."

"Its alright you invited them, I was planning on cooking a giant feast anyway."

After the dinner, Ryu tried to ask Shimizu-senpai out again. To my suprise, she let him.

I talked to him and gave him advice, hoping that he wouldnt mess this up.

He got the date and time set, and all he needed was to make sure not to mess it up.


I was trying to stay awake since we were only one minute away from 12am.

I went to the New Year's Festival with the volleyball team, and we were all chilling.

Then, the staff said that it was time for the fireworks, and Yuu dragged me up the mountain and we sat down.

We looked up, admiring the sky, which was now lighted with fireworks.

Though, there was one firework, which seemed a bit to close, and loud.

It scared me and I cuddled into Yuu's chest.

He looked back at me, not questioning anything.

Once I felt safe, I looked up, and nearly cried because of how loud the fireworks had gotten.

Yuu noticed this, and pulled me closer to him.

I looked at him, admiring his features one by one.

Once I got to examining his lips, I couldnt resist myself, and right there, at that moment, I felt fireworks of our own sparking.

I did it, I finally kissed the boy of my dreams.

We pulled away and looked at each other,admiring each other's features.

Then, when we realized what was happening, we looked away from each other, furiously blushing.


Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope you had/have a Merry Christmas! Dont forget to take care of yourself, you deserve it! ;)

550 Words, POG!

That's all for now, until we meet again!

-From your Author/Clari

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