Chapter 1:

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|FRIDAY| {°~Y/n's POV~°}

"Come on Y/n! It's time to wake up,We're going to be late for our first day as second years!"

My cousin Ryu shouted.

"I'm up!I'm up!"

I sleepily shouted back,half asleep.
I got ready and went downstairs to eat.

"Hurry up!" Ryu said.

"Fine,fine,I'll eat on the way."

We were on our way to school when suddenly-

"Y/n! Ryu! Here you guys are! Hurry up,we're going to be late! Race ya there!" We both heard Yuu say.

"HEY! NO FAIR,YOU GOT A HEAD START!" both Ryu and I yelled at Yu.

I ran as fast as I my legs could carry me with Ryu tailing me.

{Yu's POV}
"Hah! Those slow poke wont be able to catch up now!"

I said finally reaching Karasuno. I went inside and waited for them.

{Y/n's POV} <minutes later>

We reached the school seeing Yu at the entrance.


"What club are you going to join this year Y/n?"

Asked Yu,"I'm going to join photography this year! I heard that they're counting on the students to get the photos for the yearbooks."

I replied.

"Woah that's so cool!"

Ryu butted in out conversation,suprising me.



"You scared me!"

I said,punching him slightly on the shoulder.

"Ow- What was that for?"

"For scaring me"

"Sheesh- You didnt have to hit me that hard."

{Yu's POV}
I sighed at their little argument.

"Are you two going fight all day? You're going to be late for your clubs."

"Yuu, your not coming?" Y/n asked.

"Y/n, he's suspended from club activities"

I heard Ryu whisper to her.

"Its ok Ryu, Y/n I'll be fine. Just make sure to tell me what happened, ok?"

"Sure!" They both agreed.


The teacher was calling names on who would be assigned with each club,luckily I got the volleyball club I was so excited!

Then I got a call,I asked to be excused and went out.

Bold: Y/N
Undelined: Y/N's mom


"Hi Y/n"

"Mom? What's the problem?"

"Oh,nothing it's just that your sister's wedding is coming sooner than we thought and-"

"Wait,Mom, when is the wedding?"

"Next month,but we need you here, so you are going to have to come home next week."

"But,Mom I dont want to-"

"Uh-uh-uh! No buts, no excuses! Don't worry, I already told your teachers and you are excused. Bye!"


and the call ended.

I sighed and went back inside and listened carefully to the instructions.

After that I met up with Ryu and went home.

When we reached home I washed myself and changed into comfier clothing.

Soon,I got on the phone with Yu,telling him about what happened and what will happen.

I had to eat dinner so I ended the call.

After I ate,I packed my bags and went to sleep.

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