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"Its always been my fault isnt it? I'm the reason why my mom and dad fought that night! I'm the reason why they gave me to Ryu and Saeko and now they have to deal with me! My heart is the reason I'm sick right now! I'm always the reason... Its always my fau-"

I was cut off by a pair of lips on top of mine. I opened my eyes to see Yuu, with his eyes squeezed shut.

I blushed and closed my eyes, melted into the kiss. It was nothing like when we were in kindergarten. This kiss was soft and full of love.

We pulled away from the kiss, out of breath but wanting more.

We stared into each others eyes, in silence, getting lost in them. Until I broke the silence.




"Because, I love you dummy, I'm sorry if it wasnt clear before. I never loved Heather, I was just forced to love her because me made a promise-deal of some sort."

"What was it about?"

"Well, if I were to be her boyfriend, she wouldnt hurt you, but if she saw me even within a meter of you, I would get punished-"


"Not that way."

He said, laughing.

"So you did it to protect me?"

"Yeah cupcake-"

I cut him off by placing my lips on top of his and we made out again.


We went out of the closet, holding hands and sharing small kisses. Heather was furious, but left us alone anyways. I stuck my tongue out at her and followed Yuu back home.

(A/N: Sorry for the hiatus, my dopamine said "NOPE" once I finished the bad endings :p)

I Wish I were Heather || Hanahaki Disease [ Nishinoya ]Where stories live. Discover now