¡! (ROUTE 1/2) BAD ENDING - 2/5 !¡

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"My heart is the reason I'm sick right now! I'm always the reason... Its always my fau-"

I was cut off by arms wrapped around me. I recognized the arms as Yuu's arms and hugged him back.

"Y/N... Why didn't you tell me you felt this way?.. After all these years?"

Yuu said to me,with tears in his eyes. I wiped his tears away,only to find myself tearing up on their own.

I looked down at my feet, not wanting to give him an answer.

"Y/N, answer me please?.."

I heard him say, as he put his hand under my chin to make me look up at him.

"I- I didnt want to tell you,because I felt like a burden..."

I started, the tears started falling down as Yuu hugged me tighter.

"Y/N, you could never be a burden to me... You should know that! We've been in this together,and we still are."

He said,wiping my tears away and giving me a small smile. I looked back at him and I gave him a smile back. We hugged for a bit longer then went back to the gym.

I was asking Kageyama to set to me again when I saw Noya-Senpai and Y/N-Senpai go inside the gym.

It bothered me on where they were, considering that they were late, but that didnt really matter to me, because I could ask them later about it! I finally got Bakayama to set to me a couple more times before we had to pack up.

Once We finished,I waited for Kageyama so I could ask him to come with me to ask Y/N-Senpai and Noya-Senpai why they were late.

Hinata: Normal
Kageyama: Bold
Tsukishima: Italized
Underlined: Yamaguchi

"Kageyamaaaa! Why wont you come with me?"

"I dont want to, besides it might be something private."

"Oh, I didn't think of that.."

"Of course you didn't, it's because your an idiot" Kageyama said proudly.

"But don't you want to know why they were late?"

"M-maybe.." Kageyama said, embarrassed

"You both are idiots." Tsukishima snickered to himself.

"Tsukki,isn't that mean?"

"Its not mean if its true Yamaguchi."

"I guess"

"Stingyshima! Why do you care?" I asked him.

"Yeah! What do you know?" Kageyama followed after me.

"I stand by what I said, you both are idiots, and Y/N-Senpai was dragged to the closet by Nishinoya-san so they could talk."


"Oh" Both me and Kageyama said at the same time. I pouted and quietly walked to the cafeteria, where Y/N and Kiyoko-San cooked us food.

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