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After an hour,I left the Nurse's Office,and I went home... "Man,today was tiring..." I said,plopping on my bed,quickly falling asleep.

I woke up like usual,only I feel worse than yesterday. Then I remembered, *shi-,I forgot about yesterday...* I started tearing up, *No,stay strong Y/N... You can do this...* I got ready for school and left for school. Throughout the entire day,I hadn't seen Yuu,I heard that he was looking for me,but I really didn't want to face him right now. After school,I went into the gym and did my job,not even once glancing at Yuu. I packed my camera and I was walking in the hallway,I needed to go home so I can pack my stuff for the boy's training camp. I needed to be there for photography.

I had finally finished packing my stuff, "Phew! At least that's finished." I said,moving on to my homework.

I had loaded my stuff onto the bus,I even helped Tadashi and Kei cause I felt bad. Once everyone was on the bus,I took a seat in the back. I had been re-reading my essay so I could hand it in today.

Once I had fixed all grammar mistakes in my essay,I helped Shoyo and Tobio. They were so cute! How they tried to understand the concept.

After a while,I had noticed Shoyo sleeping on Tobio's shoulder,Kei's head on top of Tadashi's head,Koushi-san snuggling with Sawamura-san,and then I moved my eyes towards Yuu,who was on the opposite side of my seat...I suddenly moved my eyes back to my phone,furiously blushing.

(A/N: Its like the seats in a plane btw! Just so that you don't get confused)
I woke up,only to be met by the sound of volleyballs,I guessed that Shoyo was practicing,and when I got there,I was right.
After I had eaten lunch,I was pulled into a hallway,I flinched,closed my eyes and made a small sound "EEP!-"

only to be muffled by someone's hand on my mouth.

"I need to talk to you." The voice said,and I froze,wait... that voice- It was Yuu's! I was shooketh

(sorry I just had to XD)

to the bone,I didn't expect to talk to him like this...

"Now tell me,why have you been ignoring me?"

He asked,but I stayed silent,trying to think of an excuse,,but my mind went blank...


"It was because of Heather isn't it?" I looked at him shocked of what he said,

"Dont worry,Im okay with it,I broke up with her a couple days ago... After realizing how abusive she was to me..."

"Oh,was she really that ba-"

"Now answer my questions."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Please Y/N,answer me! I want to know why you didn't tell me sooner!" He begged,and I stayed silent.

"Why won't you answer me? Who did this to you?" Please just answer me,so I can help you!"

"I dont want to answer." I finally replied.


"Because! I love you okay! You and your stupid toxic girlfriend caused this! But its my fault for falling for you! I was an idiot to think that you love me! Its my fault for you breaking up with Heather!"

"Its always been my fault isnt it? I'm the reason why my mom and dad fought that night! I'm the reason why they gave me to Ryu and Saeko and now they have to deal with me! My heart is the reason I'm sick right now! I'm always the reason... Its always my fau-"

Hey guys! I'm sorry there are so many timeskips here,I didn't really know what to do and I had good ideas to put it *cough* *ahem* Kylaexe gave me a good idea *cough* *ahem*.
Any ways,I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was kinda rushed though...😅
Welp- I've gtg now! I hope that you have a good day/afternoon/evening/night! Don't forget to take care of yourself and to drink water! Ily so all!❤❤❤

This is 💗☀️Clari☀️💗 signing off!

I Wish I were Heather || Hanahaki Disease [ Nishinoya ]Where stories live. Discover now