Chapter 4:

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I went to the restroom and coughed out some blood with a petal of a flower with my f/c.

|Monday,5pm| {Y/n's POV}
I searched it up and found out that it was a rare disease called the

"Hanahaki Disease"

a disease where you vomit flowers and blood due to unrequited love.

I was quite shocked and I couldn't believe it so I slapped my face thinking it was a dream.

Once I realized that it wasn't a dream, I crumpled my love confession and ran back home crying.

I, then sent a message to Ryu telling him that by assistant will be there instead of me since I couldn't bear face Yu and 'Heather'.

I washed my face and changed my clothes, after I did that I made dinner since Saeko was going to be out for the night.

As I finished, Ryu came home from practice,

"how are you feeling?"

asked Ryu,

"I'm fine,just a little sick is all. Go wash up,dinner is ready"

I replied weakly.

He went up as I coughed out a f/c petal, I crumpled it and threw it away.

He finally came down and we ate dinner, after that we went to bed.

|Monday next week 7pm| [TIMESKIP]
I have been coughing out more flowers recently and I'm afraid that someone will notice, so I kept myself away from them, isolating myself.

{Ryu's POV}
I came home from school early and noticed some blood and flower petals around the house, until I realized that there was a trail of them leading to Y/n's room.

Worried, I knocked and went inside,and what I saw was unbelievable.

{Y/n's POV}
I heard a knock at my door and Ryu came in,I was shocked because:

1. I didnt know he would be home early.

2. I was surrounded by blood and flower petals everywhere.

*H-he wasn't supposed to see this*

I thought to myself.

"Hanahaki disease,huh?"

Ryu asked but I just nodded my head,I was shocked that he knew about it...

"How long and who?"

"A week..."

I said mumbling the last part.

"Why didnt you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That Yu got a girlfriend..."

"Listen,I tried to,really,but when I tried to call you I lost signal and forgot about it."


"It's fine Ryu,just,tell me next time-"

I said but I was cut of by Ryu who began talking-

"What about your Hanahaki disease?! You have to tell Noya!"

"It's fine- he has a girlfriend anyways, I dont want to be in the way of their relationship, what kind of bestfriend would I be if I did? Tell me Ryu"

I responded, left with no reply.

"If that's all you have to say,please let me get some rest, coughing flowers and blood all day is tiring."

I joked, and Ryu quietly left.

After he left I studied a little, cleaned myself, then I fell asleep.

Hello people who read my stories,how do you like this so far? Is it nice? Cause I think its trash,let me know your opinion in the comments and if you are enjoying this story,maybe you'd like to add it to your favorites or your library...Anyways Bye!

Author-chan/☀️Clari💗 OUT

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