!¡ BAD ENDING - 4/5 ¡!

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"My heart is the reason I'm sick right now! I'm always the reason... Its always my fau-"

I felt Yuu hug me, whispering in my ear-

"You're not alone."

Then he left.

I woke up and realized it was a dream.

I looked to my clock and sighed.

*Time for my surgery*

I got out of bed and took a nice shower.

I ate breakfast and, I was making my way-

No, not downtown, but to the Hospital.

(A/N:^If you get this reference,
I love you)

Once I reached the hospital, I checked in and waited for my turn.


"Uhh, Miss Y/N? Your Doctor is ready."

"I'm coming."

I said on my way to my room.

Bold: Y/N
Italized: Doctor
Underlined: Nurse

"Hello? I'm Y/N L/N, I'm here for my surgery."

"Ahh,yes, please wait for a minute as the Doctor prepares their materials.

(A/N:Ahh yes, we love an enby Doctor."



"Y/N, please change into these clothes and meet us back here."

*I left the room, changed into the robe I was given, and went back.*

"I'm ready."

"Okay,please follow me."

*I followed the Nurse to my surgery room,getting more anxious by the second.*

*I laid down onto the bed, and felt them inject something into my body so I wouldnt feel anything, after that, I began to feel drowsy and I fell asleep.*

"Okay, we dont have much time, let's get started."

"Nurse, hand me the scalpel."

I began to slowly cut the patient's body and carefully dissect them.


"DOCTOR! We're losing the patient! Their heart rate is slowing!"


I was anxiously waiting for a Doctor to come up to me and tell me what was happening...

I was called into the hospital,they said it was urgent, but didnt say what it was.

I looked around for a Doctor,but I couldnt find one,

*I guess they're busy.*

So instead,I went to the receptionist.

"Excuse me, are you here for Y/N L/N?"

The receptionist asked me.

"Yes, do you know where they are?"

"They are still in surgery, but you can wait in their room, Room 105,on the 8th floor."

"Thank you."

I went up to their room to find their clothes and their bag sprawled on the bed.

I used my phone for a bit,and j ended up falling asleep.

I was woken by the sounds of people talking.

I fully woke up and asked what was going on.

But what I heard was unbelievable...

"I'm sorry for your loss...."

"We couldnt save them...."

"They died of blood loss...."

I just sat there and cried, once the doctors had left, I went to their bed, holding their soft hand from under the sheet that was covering their whole body....

I choked back my tears and sobs, and said:

"Hey Y/N!.."

"I know you probably cant hear me right now, but....

I wanted to tell you that we will miss you..."

"And that,

I love you..."

I brought my face to their pale hand and kissed it, while holding it...

And that's when I couldnt hold it in any longer.....

I sobbed and cried there beside their dead body....

¡? !¿ THE END ¿! ?¡

I Wish I were Heather || Hanahaki Disease [ Nishinoya ]Where stories live. Discover now