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Then,I blacked out,I dont remember anything that happened...

[YUU'S POV] (cause your in the same class .-.)
"Y/N!" I ran from my desk,rushed,and caught her just in time. I also brought her to the Nurse's Office. I've been waiting for her to wake up,is hasn't happened.

I was stuck in my mind for a couple hours now,but I have a gut feeling that I need to wake up soon. Its probably already around 6 or 7 pm... I'm peacefully waiting to wake up when I hear

crying,beside my bed. I was shocked,and it was enough to wake me up! I slowly opened my eyes,and saw Yuu,beside me... It seems as if he'd been crying,but why?

"Y-Yuu?" I croaked out, he looked surprised and looked up,

"Y/n? Y/n! Are you okay? Who is it? Why didn't you tell me sooner? Is this why you've been ignoring me? Do Ryu an Saeko know?-" ,he bombarded me with questions

"What are you talking about?"
I said,pretending not to know what he was talking about.

"Don't lie to me Y/n,I know about your Hanahaki disease... But why didn't you tell me sooner?.." "..."
I just laid here in silence.
"Okay,I get it,you don't want to tell me yet... Its fine,I can wait for you to tell me..."
"Thank you,Yuu,now please get out..." "But-"
"Please,just get out!" "Okay,I'll go..." then he left...

I started crying,
*stupid Y/n! Why? Why did I do that? I needed him,... He's just worried for me and he just wanted to help...*

*But- ARGH- I HATE THIS! I HATE THIS,I HATE THIS,I HATE THIS! Why?... why does life do this to me?... I dont think I can keep his up for much longer...*

After an hour,I left the Nurse's Office,and I went home... "Man,today was tiring..." I said,plopping on my bed,quickly falling asleep.

Sorry if this is short,I ran out of ideas :p...

Comment down below what you think is going to happen!

Btw,about my sexuality,I am non-binary,I go by They/Them! But if

you want you can still call me by She/Her

💗☀️Clari☀️💗 OUT-

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