Chapter Twenty-Four

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It's precisely in despair that you find the most intense pleasure, especially if you are already powerfully conscious of the hopelessness of your predicament. 
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky

I've known for a long time most of the guys on my team, the ones that run it anyway, aren't good guys.

The quarterback- -the one besides Fly anyway- -the main blockers and two of our best offensive tackles are homophobic.

They're very loud about their opinions.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't scare me, how someone loving another person could offend someone so much that they'd threaten the lives of those people.

Like I said before, I know they've beat up guys on the team when they found out he was gay and they've harassed other queer students.

But I also know that the coach and Fly has my back, as well as all the other good members of our team.

So today, before our game started, I pulled my coach to the side and told him, "I'm going to show off my boyfriend at half time, but don't want to be hit for doing so." and he said he'd love to have an excuse to kick the douche-bags off the team.

Today, he told the camera crew to keep an eye out for 35- -me- -when the game ends.

And today, I'm going to kiss my boyfriend in front of everyone.

When he was in his past relationship, where the relationship was hidden and the absolute fucker acted like he was ashamed of Jasper, none of these things ever happened for him.

I haven't experienced it either but this is the musician.

He deserves to be shown off.

The giant isn't shy about PDA, given how he was raised, and he's an extrovert so while this passes the line of things I normally wouldn't do, I think Jasper would be okay with it.

Vivianna is in on it too, when I asked she said she thinks he'd be okay with it too, and made sure they were at my practice like normal but this time, right in the front row.

Jasper's wearing my extra jersey.

And he looks really cute.

It's almost painful that I can't kiss him sooner, but focusing on the game helps.

Growing up with Fly, even when we were both hurt or in a bad place, when I wouldn't talk much taught us both how to read each other's body language perfectly and develop hand signals for game plays.

Our team usually ends up evolving around us as the power players, us already working so well together that it makes the coaches notice.

So with a glance at Flynn, I can see what way he wants me to run and take off as soon as he says "Set."

Then, when he calls "Hut!" I shoot like a bullet across the defensive tackles, skidding to the side and run past the other team. It's a clear catch for me, the ball pretty much falls into my hands.

I'm all too aware there's only a few seconds left of the game and one safety gaining on me as the other is in front of me.

There's about a foot of space between us when I dunk down to skid- -making the one behind me smack into me and trip onto the one in front- -taking the risk of falling down and ending the play.

But I don't fall.

I keep running and score the winning points.

My team erupts into cheers, Fly reaching me before anyone else to shove others away from me.

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