Chapter Thirty-Five Pt.1

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It's wonderful to feel desired. There's a sense of power in it, really. 
-Nancy Horan

By the time it was actually Christmas, the bruises on Jasper healed and the scratches are barely noticeable too.

Meanwhile he still makes me wrap my wrist every morning, even though I doubt I'd start bleeding randomly throughout the day.

Before I even got my first cup of coffee, Jasper was dragging me out of bed and practically bounced his way to his parent's cabin.

Because of how widespread my family is, Christmas day has never been important, since most years a lot of us don't even celebrate on one day, but with whoever we give gifts to whenever we can give the gifts to them.

So I really don't understand his excitement.

But oh well.

Getting into the cabin, I kind of felt like an outsider -everyone already knew what they were doing and where they were supposed to be.

It's like I'm the new kid at school.

Eris had Arabella and while her twin kept Damien D'Silvetta all to herself, Lavender Riddle had Dela at her own cabin. I feel sorry for her, because that means she has to deal with Fly's hyperness this early in the morning.

Jasper's parents themselves seemed perfectly in sync as his mom bakes cookies, it reminds me of my own parents.

Because of my bullying, of the way I treated myself, I kind of secluded myself from my family too and though we all love each other I'm not really close to anyone other than Circe -even then, I don't really see her anymore.

We're all good people, we all care for each other but we just don't click.

That being said, being around this family feels good too.

Not wanting to bother his parents, who are laughing to themselves, I quickly backtrack to the living room where Jasper is currently going back and forth with Eris about something that has made Arabella bright red.

"Jitterbug, where's the-" I growl. "-cups?"

Jumping a bit in surprise, his wide minty eyes turn up at me. "Did Papa refuse to tell you?"

"Oh, um, no." I shake my head. "I didn't ask them."

He raises an eyebrow, clearly asking why. Not knowing how to explain how intrusive I feel, I just shrug. Jasper gets up off the couch and leads me back into the kitchen, pointing out the cups as he grabs the creamer from the fridge.

Just as I turn to reach up, Bar Red pulls his arm down carrying what- -from the short glance I can see- -is a giant bag of flour.

Our two actions were the cause and the effect is how his elbow rams right into my face with the force it takes to keep a twenty pound bag in the air, sending my sprawling down before Jasper catches me with an arm around my waist right as I'm about to hit the ground.

Gently, he sets me down and crouches beside me, holding onto my shoulders.

Dazed, I just blink as blood rushes down my chin -ears ringing as pain bursts out behind my eyes and the familiar snap! of a broken nose echoes in my mind.

Well, I guess it's not so different from Christmas at home.

Where's the mistletoe this time?

"Oh fuck," His dad gasps out, crouching down in front of me. "I'm so sorry -I didn't, I didn't mean to. Fuck, are you okay?"

Besides the broken nose, he means?

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