Chapter Thirty-Seven

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As I said before, when my sister doesn't write I can't either and our lives are very chaotic + the pandemic and her motivation is taking a hard hit bc of that. If you could, read her version of this book (Jazz Red's Anomaly) and give her some love!

Anyways, please enjoy!


Nothing makes you feel more naked than someone identifying a desire you never knew you possessed. 
-Jeff Zentner

After a few minutes of no sign of my boyfriend, I realize his anxiety was probably making him freak out to some extent.

So I went to our room, knocking doesn't seem to do anything so I actually go into the room, frowning. "Jasper?"

He's just sitting on the bed, spacing out.

Thankfully his name breaks him out of the daze.

"Did..." Jasper hesitates to ask. "Did I hurt you?"

I can't help it, I laugh and make my way over to him to wrap my arms around his neck. "I'm not hurt, Jitterbug. It's- -bit hot innit- -more than I expected, but you doing this doesn't bother me. If I didn't like it, I'm pretty sure you'd be able to tell."

"You have to tell me if I do something you d-don't like, okay? Even if you, if you think I noticed." My boyfriend says, pressing our foreheads together causing my eyes to close, otherwise I'd probably end up flushing at the look in his eye. "Are you okay with these, though?"

His hand slides from my back to my side, tracing over a bite mark.

Tensing as a shiver runs down my spine, I can't help but to be a little disappointed that Jasper took my reason as a bad thing.

"I am- -bit hot innit- -it's just, I'm not used to being around someone after that. Or really having these many marks." I tell him, eyes dropping down to his chest. "But with you, I like it. Everyone around can tell I'm yours, you know."

"That's kind of the reason I made them, my star." He nuzzles his face into my neck, palm pressing into my lower back. "I know I get overwhelmed sometimes, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm not like those people. I don't want to be anywhere you're not, especially after being intimate with you. That's... that's special, and something I want to share with you."

At one point, I genuinely did think the only people that could ever want me was fuck buddies, and that was for my body.

The people around me at the time proved me right.

But now I don't like that whenever I've had sex with someone, until last night, there's never been aftercare. I've never stayed the night, I've never done it somewhere I felt particularly safe either.

It's just been something to do when my body gets overworked and I don't have practice, or practice isn't enough.

Or if Clark does something, and I want a choice in the matter as soon as I can.

With Jasper, being fuck buddies didn't come to mind.

Still, I've never had someone care about my body like he does, or have someone leave marks like he did because it was the same for them.

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