Chapter Thirty-Five Pt.2

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What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve.
-Norman Vincent Peale

"Jazz, come on!" Eris shouts, three loud bangs sounding out from the wall. "We want to start."

"Is Papa back yet?" He shouts back, turning to face the living room -flipping off Axel as his only goodbye.

His dad himself replies, which is answer enough, and soon I find us all sitting in the living room. It's a little scrunched, but once I'm pressed closer to Jasper's side instead of right between him and Dela it's comfortable.

Dela and Lavender are now both back at the Red Cabin, all the kids are.

Since I have to unwrap things first, they said everyone does three at once, I just unwrap the things Axel handed off to me.

At first I think it's just a dark red onesie but then I realize the pattern on it is seeds and quickly check the top to confirm, it's a strawberry onesie. Grinning I stand and pull it up past my sweatpants, taking off Jasper's sweatshirt so it fits better.

With a small chuckle, ignoring the startled silence from his parents- -I'm guessing due to my scars- -Jasper tugs on either side of the onesie and buttons it up for me, just to be able to pull me down for a small kiss.

"You're such a dork." I tell him, smacking his shoulder with the long sleeve that goes past my hands.

The giant scoffs, "Says the one wearing a strawberry onesie."

"Open the box that's wrapped shitty." Nyx says, interrupting us and pointing to Damien. "He likes whatever's in it, so I want to see."

Jasper pulls me across his lap, handing me the box as Damien signs something. "It's from Tio Gus."

"Yeah," I turn over the box that's covered completely in tape over the 'Birthday Girl!' wrapping paper, jaw snapping as for whatever reason, my Tourette's wants to bite something. "I figured."

Due to my excitement, I'm moving a lot more than normal but Jasper just keeps grinning at me.

That grin turns to a slight look of surprise when the box turns out to hold a pair of earrings.

The one on the right, that catches my attention instantly, is a hollow light pink crystal in the shape of a strawberry, a mint green top holding it to the rose gold hooked end. The other one is just a light pink crystal as a normal earring.

It's perfect for me, if I'm being honest.

I guess Jasper's shock comes from me not really wearing earrings around him, but I did wear studs when we went to the club. He just probably didn't notice, being both oblivious and jealous at the time.

Nodding to myself, I put in the earrings as fast I can, not wanting to yank on them with a tic and shake my head to hear the strawberry crystal ting against the hook.

"How much you wanna bet that that," Dela points to the last box. "Is something strawberry too."

"Hmm, it's from Ahmik?" I check the label, then shake my head. "Then it won't be."

He literally just got my number to ask me what my favorite animal is right before Christmas, so it's not hard to imagine whatever he's getting me has a bear on it.

Opening it, I know I was right because the first thing is a box of Band-Aids with bears on them, with a note that says 'Please don't have to use these.' and a grey necktie with black bear faces in a pattern over it.

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