You shouldn't blame others for the conditions you endure; we each have the freedom to follow which path we desire in life.
-Steven RedheadVivianna's twin, Payton, is my 'team captain' and she was the first one to pick someone.
So, looking Dela straight straight in the eyes, she picked Lavender first.
Lavender being Scarlette's sister, along with their third sister Cara- -I don't know where the color theme here failed her, but it's kind of disappointing- -were all Lawrence and Eli's daughters.
Both Cara and Eris ended up on Payton's team, although Scarlette didn't.
Next Payton specifically chose me and Fly as a pair, somehow knowing we work well together, to which Vivianna chose Axel and Anadi -since they're a couple and work well together.
Honestly, I was fine not having Axel on my team.
Then when Payton chose Eris, Vivianna responded by picking Jasper.
Which I wasn't okay with.
The teams ended up being Vivianna, Ahmik, Damien, Nyx, Scarlette, Dela and Axel, who I was familiar with. Then Arabella who is Eris's girlfriend and Anadi, who's Axel's girlfriend.
And, of course, Jasper.
Who I didn't like fighting against.
But hey, it gave me a pretty good chance to impress him even while I fully plan to kick his entire team's ass.
My team is made out of people I didn't know, besides Fly.
Eris was the only one I was remotely familiar with, and I only met her once, but I did know that Lavender- -who's on my team- -is Dela's girlfriend.
Other than that there is Payton, Aiko, her girlfriend, Isaiah who is Cara's boyfriend, Nymphadora and Atticus who were a couple and Atticus is a D'Silvetta.
So me, Fly, Eris, Lavender, Payton, Aiko, Nymph, Atticus, Cara and Isaiah verses Jasper, Scarlette, Arabella, Dela, Vivianna, Ahmik, Axel, Anadi, Damien and Nyx.
Which spelt chaos pretty quickly.
I discovered pretty quickly that I couldn't keep track of who acted what way, or really even, who everyone was, so I relied on Fly to strike up conversations -since he was there the year before and met everyone already.
Honestly I don't think I'm really learning everything, but rather using him as a human shield.
Which, again, is perfectly fine with me.
We're all playing volleyball and even though I'm average height, right at the 5'10 mark, I'm still the shortest guy there.
Fly's our setter, I'm the wing spiker during the games I won't be the libero- -which, I don't think they'll be many- -and Atticus is our ace. Payton is another spiker, while Aiko is just a blocker.
Nymphadora is my mirror, for games I play libero she's the wing spiker and vise versa.
The other setter is Cara, who said she's way better at receives so I think we're all going to let her focus on that more. Lavender and Isaiah are blockers too, Eris is a sub in.
Jasper is the only player I know so far, but he's the ace and a wing spiker, which means I'm going to be taking a lot of hits directly from him.
Apparently, I'm not supposed to let him know this.
Anomalies ✔
Romance"I am the textbook definition of in love with you." *** Castor Rex: He's snarky, quiet and mysterious. A secret keeper. He doesn't like his life to be on display. People avoid him, even if they respect him. Jasper Red: He's polite, nice and helpful...