Chapter Seventeen

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All day and all night my desire for you unwinds like a poisonous snake. 
-Samar Sen

Flynn Jacus is number 32 on the football team, he's one of two quarterbacks we have and when he's not throwing me the ball, he's backing me up as an offensive tackle.

I met Flynn- -or Fly as he likes to call himself, he thinks it makes him sound cool but I told him it makes him sound like an annoying, flying, pest- -in fifth grade.

Before I got into football I was a hockey-jock and though I still love playing on ice, the field has my love for now.

That's where I met him.

He's a 6'2" wall of muscle that has thrown a ball hard enough to bruise me under my gear and knock me off my feet, and we've always played football together.

Fly's adopted and I've helped him through a lot.

I can actually stand him and got used to his presence and touch at this point, he knows I have Tourette's and helps me calm down between games. A bonus is that he knows I'm gay and is completely fine with it, even going as far to defend me to homophobic team mates in the past.

But I think we both know this year, even defending it could get us into trouble with these ugly homophobic fuckers.

He's one of the most annoyingly chill people I've ever met.

His girlfriend- -who he's had since Senior year in high school- -finds our relationship pretty funny. He calls me hubby since apparently, he's my game wife. Her name is Scarlett Riddle.

And, after all, she has two gay dads.

Of which, he has punched someone for making fun of her for.

Fly is bouncing between majors at the moment but personally, I think he's going to play professionally once he gets his shit together.

When that happens, he better put that stupid nickname to good use.

The reason this is all coming up is because as we're walking to the club- -Vivianna proudly leading the way with Ahmik stumbling after her, Noelle and Circe already dancing as they walk behind the weirdo- -I see Flynn across the street waving his arm like an idiot in my direction.

"Oi, Cassie!" He shouts loudly, cutting across traffic just to reach me. "You're in party gear? Can I come?"

I glance up at him as he throws an arm around me, seeing that he actually looks half-presentable. "We're going to a club, I can't stop you even if I wanted to but hey, at least this will be the first party in-" I growl. "-three years where you actually look good. By good I mean not wearing grass stained sweatpants, crocs and no shirt."

Fly just shrugs, ruffling my hair. "If I look good by your standards I must be doing something right."

"Fly," Rolling my eyes, I reach over to smack his gut. "You're living up to your name."


"I've told you already, it's not a compliment."

"Awh," Flynn pouts, sending me a small pleading and playful look. "But you said when I get to the big leads it's gonna mean something good."

Scoffing, I look him up and down before pretending to gag. "I said if-" I growl. "-not when. Either way, you're not there yet."

The football player sighs, shaking his head. "You're so mean Cassie, no wonder -hey! Is that Cece and Nerdy?"

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