Chapter Twenty-One

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I have outlasted all desire. 
-Alexander Pushkin

Sleeping has always been hard for me.

I move a lot in my sleep and if I get cold just a little, I wake up and it's hard for me to get back asleep.

The times I've shared a bed with someone I've woken them up too.

But with Jasper, he pretty much keeps me pinned to his chest, letting me relax into him. That really helps my insomnia and the thoughts that usually ravage my brain at night.

When we share a bed, I get so much sleep that I'm actually sleepy instead of exhausted when I wake up.

I've found that when this happens, I wake up around the same time Jasper does instead of four hours before. Sometimes, I even wake up after him.

That's a little strange.

The few times that Jasper has woken up long enough before me to get out of bed, I've noticed almost instantly and woken up in the span of a few minutes.

So this morning, when Jasper climbed out of bed and my back was left cold, I noticed and tried to wake up, I really did.

I guess that's what deep sleep feels like -unable to open my eyes, just frown and snuggle deeper into the sheets, body and mind content.

"It's okay, Star." Soft lips kiss my forehead, making me sigh out and start to become even less aware of my surroundings. "I'll be right can sleep..."

The sweet smell of strawberries invades my senses and a deep breath in makes Jasper's mint body wash and his naturally and annoyingly really good husky scent fill my senses.

Which I tell you, is the best way to wake up.

Blinking, I realize by the slight sting in my eyes that I slept with contacts in but honestly, it just means less work for me when I get ready in the morning.

"Castor!" Jasper chirps my name out, kneeling by the end of the bed to give a chaste kiss to my cheek before cuddling against my shoulder, pecking my collarbone too. "How'd you sleep?"

"I slept..." I grumble, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as I blink away the drowsiness. "So good."

The musician chuckles, "That's good, also, you look so fucking adorable right now, Star." I just grumble at him. "Your hair is everywhere."

"My hair is always everywhere," I sigh, resting my head on top of his, still feeling like I could fall back asleep at any moment. "Nothin' special."

Jasper moves onto the bed, nuzzling his face into my neck as he holds me tighter. "I disagree, sir, it looks very fluffy. Can I urm, touch your hair?"

"No pats," I say, thinking of the friendship-pats Vivianna gives me. "But go for it."

Pulling away slightly, he runs his hand through my hair, messing it up only to fix it again, looking way too god damn cute to be fair.

He's so adorable.

And so hot.

Yeah, I definitely love him.

If I didn't, he wouldn't be my world.

Jasper hums, "What are you thinking about?"


"Not telling."

"Will you ever?" He asks, tilting his head towards me. "I'd like to know, eventually. It's such a pretty color. And it makes your song um, happier I guess?"

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