Chapter Seven

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Sensuality is measured by your desire, not indulgence. 
-Lebo Grand

Not being allowed to touch him is more torture than accidentally touching him. I'd rather just kiss him than pretend I don't want to.

It feels like what my parents said realizing they had an addiction was like. He was my drug, his charming smile and laugh and music is all the things that keep me wanting more.

Because of my now flustered state, my morning run didn't go quite as planned, as I quickly discovered I locked myself out of the dorm and it's a miracle that I remembered to even bring my phone with me.

Though I knock twice and don't get an answer, I take the risk of waking Jasper up by calling him.

"H-hey?" He sounds disgruntled and a bit surprised when answering but I try not to think too hard about it.

"Hi." I sigh out. "I was a dumbass and locked myself out of the dorm and it's fucking cold out here. Can you let me in?"

"Course, just give me a sec," He grumbles, something muffling his voice so I can't quite catch what he says next. Hopefully though, it's not important.

It's a minute or two before the door opens but as soon as it does, I find myself unable to move.

Holy fuck.

Jasper Red is standing in the doorway, one hand brushing water droplets off his bare chest as the other holds the top of the door over me. His muscles and abdomen are on display, his biceps are bulging and the towel wrapped around his hips are low and showing off his deep V-line.

" okay?" Jasper holds the towel in place, leaning into me quizzically.

"You- -bit hot innit- -don't have any clothes on." Is all I can say.

Just -holy fuck.

He is so handsome.

Would it be inappropriate to just grab him and kiss him like this? Would he let me do that? Would he like me doing that?

"Oh, right!" Jasper turns, as if going to change and I can't stop myself from choking on a gasp at the sight of his taunt back muscles covered by various tattoos.

His back would probably look a lot better with scratches on it, I think, then curse to myself as I blush bright red.



"Are you..." I snap out of it as Jasper turns to face me completely. "Are you checking me out?"

"Never would!" Me saying this is a tic, and I'm instantly mortified I told this gorgeous man that and shake my head at him, motioning that it's a lie. "That was a tic," I hate that I have to explain this. "I'm sorry! Yeah- -bit hot innit- -I was checking you out."

My roommate hums in reply, seeming not to believe me but he has a small smile on his face that borders dangerously on a smirk as his hand comes back to raise above his head as he leans over me.

"You're okay with me answering the door like this?"

Raising my eyes from his body to his face, it takes a lot of self control not to glare at him. "Not with anyone else."

Call me pointlessly possessive, I don't care.

As far as I'm concerned, this man is mine.

"You should change before I jump you." I playfully tell him.

Chuckling nervously, Jasper flushes as his other arm crosses his chest, leaning closer to me. "I don't understand how you just say stuff like that."

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