Chapter Twenty-Five

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The most fundamental thing about a person is desire. It defines them. Tell me what a person wants, truly wants, and I'll tell you who they are, and how to persuade them.
-Max Barry

It's the weekend now, the day after my final game- -which we won 41 to 13, and it felt surprisingly normal, way too anti-climatic compared to what I'm used to final games feeling like- -and while I'm resting from what I think might be a sprained ankle, which I haven't told Jasper about, the giant still kept up his workout routine.

And of course, me being his super gay boyfriend, I decided to watch.

We picked up Vivianna and Ahmik, who's face-planted into the table, on the way.

The park is right next to the gym, so that's where we're at.

"Hey J," Vivianna says. "Y'know what's poppin? How hot you look right now."

With a defeated grunt, the giant just willingly falls onto his back in the grass, fingers raised to flip off his best friend -which is better for me because that way he doesn't see my face when I think, well...she's not wrong.

"Hey Jazz!" A few excited voices call out, making both me and the musician look to where it's coming from. A group of people wave at him, waiting until he waves back before going on their way.



I can only sigh as I see the dorky look Jasper's sporting, flopped back in the grass. "We're such different people that it's disturbing."

"I'm sure you guys aren't that different." The weirdo giggles out, spinning to a stop in front of me where she pats me on the head.

Scoffing, I cross my arms. "He has friends."

The only person I have is Fly.

And I'm not sure I should count him, even if that fucking idiot thinks we have 'the bromance of the century.'

"Not that many." Vivianna says, her once-smile turning into a frown as I shake my head at her, knowing that at lunch, he eats with a group of people, a big group, which is one of the reasons why on the days I have lunch off, I just wait outside my next class. "Wait, how many friends do you have, J?"

Now holding a plank, Jasper tilts his head up at us. "Uh...what kind of friend? Like, I only talk to you in class friend, I hang out with you sometimes, or like an almost best friend but not quite? Oh, or the ones outside of University, too?"

I'm pretty sure him asking this is answer enough.

"Um, only at University?"

"I don't know, not that many," The musician continues to do push ups oblivious of the way I'm appreciating the sight of him right now. "Maybe only like, thirty-ish?"


I don't even know that many people.

"Thi-Thirty!" Vivianna's shriek echoes my own thoughts. "What do you mean thirty?"

Motioning to Jasper, the weirdo catches on that it means 'I told you so' even if we're still sharing confused, I-didn't-know-either looks.

"Like, three-zero?" My boyfriend answers obliviously. "I only have like five in every class, and sit with a lot of them at lunch. Y-you've, um, you've seen me with a big group of them?"

A group that even when I look at it, makes me feel suffocated.

"I thought that was like, you moving with your class to a different building!" She gasps out, making Ahmik groan before readjusting. ""Wait, answer me this... Do you know everyone in your classes?"

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