Me Included

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April 9; 00:20 MDT

Alpha squad, Superboy, and Spirit arrived in S.T.A.R Labs in Taos with Green Beetle, where they were met there by Doctor Adam Strange Ms. Martian, and Lagoon Boy. Spirit stood beside Nightwing, while Spark stood with Robin and Impulse. Ms. Martian stood in front of Green Beetle who sat in a wooden chair.

"I'm not very comfortable with this." Ms. Martian said, Spirit looked at her confused. "Delving into your mind. It... it is an intrusion."

"Since when?" Spark questioned in a whisper to Robin. "I thought on Mars, they communicated through their minds, reading each other minds and such?" Robin just shrugged, not responding to Spark in words.

"You have my permission. We must be able to trust each other." The Green Beetle told Ms. Martian. He then gives her a large creepy grin, showing her all his teeth. Ms. Martian gasps and gives him an uneasy expression. "Does my smile displease you?" Green Beetle question through his smile. "Is this not how humans convey friendship and put each other at ease?"

"Yeesh," Spirit made a face, before clearing her throat, "Next time smile a little smaller."

"There has to be another way," Superboy whispered to Nightwing.

"Look I'm not sure what the Martian etiquette is here but Green Beetle is right," Nightwing said. "We need to trust each other which means we need to confirm he is who he says he is. Miss. M is our real option."

Lagoon Boy walked up behind Ms. Martian placing his hands on her shoulder, as he comforts her. "Go for it, Angelfish. Reading this guy will be a piece of crab cake."

"Please, proceed with the mind link." Green Beetle tells her, Ms. Martian lets out a deep exhales and her eyes turn green, and then Green Beetle's eyes turn red soon after. The two martian began to make gestures as if they were talking, which confirms that they were in a mind link. Spirit awkwardly watched the two Martians as silence fills the room.

"Green Beetle is on our side." Ms. Martian turned around after a few short moments.


"This consumable contains Reach's additive which combines microscopic quantities of two chemicals." Green Beetle stood in front of the team and Doctor Strange, as he holds the Reach's new drink, Reach. He was currently explaining what was in the drink and how the Reach was going to use it to take over of Earth. "One is a dopamine polymerase the other, an adrenaline inhibitor. Taken over a generation, they will slowly addict the entire population to Reach and the people of Earth, placid. Literally, incapable of revolt."

"That matches up exactly with Flash and Atom's analyses of the additive sample acquired from Lex Corp," Nightwing said.

"Ah, I see." Green Beetle's eyes widen slightly. "Still I am... tested." Green Beetle looks down sadly.

"Look, we're sorry, but--"

"No, it is wise." Green Beetle interrupts Nightwing's apology. "As they say on your world 'All cards must be off the table'."

"'On the table.'" Blue Beetle quickly corrected. "I-I mean, nevermind. Ignore me."

"On the table," Green repeated as he places his hand on his chin in thought. "Yes. That does make more sense. So here is my final card on the table. My scarab informs that the additive also contains a mitochondrial marker which works as a meta-gene tracer allowing The Reach to identify and isolate potential super-powered individuals."

Nightwing's eyes widen, "Making it easier to harvest and weaponize the meta-gene! Our analysis didn't reveal that. Thank you."

"Can't we go public with this?" Blue Beetle questions.

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