Is this supposed to be a pep talk?

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January 1; 18:23 EST

Alya Jordan, aka Spark, aka the niece and protege of Hal Jordan teleported into the United Nation headquarters, in front of the UN Secretary-General Tseng, just as Wonder Girl flipped over the alien, Alya quickly recognized as Lobo. Wonder Girl punched Lobo in the gut, sending him back slightly, shattering the windows around them.

Spark narrowed her forest green eyes at the Interalic Bounty Hunter, as he fell on his hands and knees. Batgirl jumped into the room, through one of the broken windows, landing on the other side of Tseng.

Spark's suit, lit up with electricity bouncing off of her, the lighting matching the blue on her black and blue suit. Batgirl quickly stood and began ordering her teammates. "Wonder Girl, Spark, keep him busy." Batgirl grabbed Tseng's arm and began leading him away from the fight and around the light brown-haired girl. "I'll get Secretary-General Tseng to safety."

"All over it, Batgirl!" Wonder Girl tells her, pounding her fist into her palm. Spark slowly makes her way to Wonder Girl's side, as Lobo begins to groan and recover from the blonde's blow.

"Who are you? Where are you taking me?" Spark heard Tseng ask Batgirl from behind her, a ding rang in her ear, as the elevator opened.

"Down," Batgirl answers Tseng, and Spark and Wonder Girl are left with Lobo.

Spark, glance down at her necklace, the crystal that gave her powers. The reason she was even in this mess, she watched as it pulsed with light. Spark's fingers then spark up with electricity. The young teen's eyes then darted back up to Lobo who was taking a few steps towards her and Wonder Girl.

"Okay, big guy! Let's see how much punishment you can--" Wonder Girl punched Lobo in the face, as she tried to smack talk to the bounty hunter, but before she could finish her sentence, she was cut off by Lobo grabbing her by the face and throwing her into the wall behind him.

Spark's eyes widen, as they move between Wonder Girl and the alien. Spark was not for getting hurt, or worse. She didn't want to be here, she didn't want these powers, she didn't want any of it. So Spark did the reasonable thing when faced with an alien that took out someone stronger and more skilled than her, she turned into electricity and vanished into the lamp.

Oh god, Alya Jordan hated her life, she hated what it has come too. She wasn't supposed to be fighting villains. Working for the Justice League on a secret young covert-ops team. Alya was supposed to be working on keeping her title as one of the smartest teenagers in the school, working on quantum mechanics, figuring out space-time theory, trying to better understand the universe and how it works. She was supposed to be a teen genius. She wasn't supposed to have these powers, she certainly wasn't supposed to be the protege of a Green Lantern. Alya didn't want to be on this team, she wanted to find a way to get rid of her powers. Not using them for good! She didn't even know how to use them. How could her cousin and uncle think that she could do any good with them? How dare they tell her that she could do great things with them, and just leave her, when she needs them and a teacher most. How could Marie go to another universe, and Hal into space, just a few months after she got her powers? How could they expect her to be a hero when she didn't care for people. Alya Jordan didn't care if people got hurt, or if people died. The only person she cares about saving is herself, and no one else.

Spark waited in the building's electrical system until the fight was over between Wonder Girl, Batgirl, and Lobo. The lightning powered teen didn't know what she did, she knew she was going to get a ton of crap for bailing out of the fight. But she didn't care, Spark, appeared right next to Batgirl, once Lobo flew away on his motorcycle. Batgirl looked up at Spark with narrow eyes, but Spark didn't look her way, but the teen genius with her arms crossed looked at the now torn apart robot body of Tseng. Spark internally scolds herself for not noticing the electricity that was bouncing off of him when she first saw him.

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