Chapter 19

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|Kol's POV|
I wake up with Davina snugged against my chest. She looks so beautiful even when she's sleeping. I give her a kiss on the head while I brush her soft hair. I don't want to wake but I know she has a very busy day today.

"Davina darling. Wake up." I whisper to her as I try to wake her up. She groans a little but she slowly arises from me.

"What time is it?" I asked her and I check my phone.

"7:30am." I say to her and she groans again, flopping on the pillow behind her. I chuckle at her reaction.

"Can't we just stay here and cuddle?" She asked and I smirk.

"I'm not sure if the harvest will be okay you with being late." I say to her. I start to turn my side to face Davina as I being to kiss her on the cheek.

"They're so strict all the time and I never get the time of day." She admits to me as I continue to kiss down her neck. I hum to indicate her that I am still listening. "I just need one day without them." She says as I travel kisses down to Davina's chest.

I start to hear Davina's breath getting heavy and I small hum releases from her mouth.

"That feels good." She says finally while I travel kisses to her neck again. I hear Davina moan as I reach her behind her ear.

"Are you sure you don't want to leave right now?" I whisper into Davina's ear.

"Maybe... just 10 more minutes." She says and I continue to kiss her behind the ear again. "Okay 20." She finally says and she brings my face to her lips as we kiss passionately. Davina starts to climb on top of me but never letting go of our kiss.

Davina eventually lets go of our kiss as she travels her way to my lower body leaving her kisses down my stomach. I moan while she does that. I feels Davina's hand place down my pants as I feel her unzip them.

I know what this is headed but I don't want it to go further.

"Darling. I don't want us to start something that we won't finish." I say stopping her before she unbuttons my pants.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused by my words.

"I want our first time to be special." I admit to her. I want to make love to Davina more than anything but not like this. I want our first to be special and not rushed.

"I understand. I kind of feel the same way." She says and I am glad she understands. "How about we do something tonight?" She asked.

"Like what? A date?" I asked her with a smile.

"Yeah like a date." She says.

"Well, I will gladly go on a date with you Ms. Claire." I say to her and she blushes. I cress my thumb onto her cheeks as I admire her beauty.

"What?" She suddenly asked.


"Why are you staring at me like that?" She questions me.

"Because you're beautiful." I admit to her and she is. Davina is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is one of a kind.

"I have to go." She says and I stop rubbing her cheeks with my thumb. Davina leans in and kisses me on the lips before climbing off the bed.

"Have a good day Darling." I say to her and Davina gives me a wave goodbye.

This chapter is a bit short but it's okay. #Kolvina 💕

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