Chapter 28

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|Davina's POV|
This is it. My last day as a harvest girl. I can't believe my dream of being here is finally over. I know Monique told them. She hates me and she always had a personal vendetta against me.

She hated because I was better then her and now she wants to destroy me. She's finally won.

I take my time and taking very huge breaths before I make it to the tomb. I don't know what I will face but I know that my time here is over. I walk in and I automatically see the regent, Genevieve, Cassie, Abigail, and lastly Monique all standing in a straight line facing me.

The regent looks mad, Genevieve looks disappointed, Cassie and Abigail looks sad and they can't even look at me, and Monique just has a smug smirk on her face. She told them.

I tried to stand tall and not be afraid.

"Davina Claire what I heard about you, I didn't believe but when Monique showed the evidence, I saw everything clearly." The regent says "You've broken the rules. Two rules actually." She points out.

I can see Genevieve mouth out "I'm sorry."

"For all the rules you've broken. I have no choice to banish you from the harvest. You are no longer a harvest girl. Another thing when you gave up your captaincy to Monique just so she wouldn't tell me the truth is just disgraceful. Give me your harvest girl bracelet." She demands.

I begin to take off my bracelet and handed it to the regent while she snatches it from my hand leaving me startled by her actions.

"You're clearly un loyal to your own kind that you associate yourself with the vampires. You clearly don't deserve to be a witch." The regent says and I look at her at wide eyes.

"Wh...What do you mean?" I asked her nervously.

"You will be shunned and striped from using magic." The regent says and I'm shocked. She's really going to punish me like this.

"No please." I beg and I can feel my tears coming down my face.

"No you deserve this." She says. I can't let this happen I'm not going to loose all my magic.

I begin to run out of the tomb until I'm stopped by force to stop me from moving.

"Very good Monique." I hear the regent says as Monique stops me from running away. Of course she would stop me.

Monique finally release me and I try to get myself off the floor to run away again. I am stop again by older witches in front of me. Its too late the spell has already started.

I can't run from this.

"This is the end of the line for you Davina Claire. Make this easy on yourself!" The regent yells to me.

I close my eyes as I let the tears fall. I watch everyone in front of me and no is going to save me. I'm all alone.

I begin to walk through the older witches while I walk through the pain of their spell. Each step I take is the more pain I feel. This pain is supposed to be worse then death but I would say death is easy.

As I cry I feel a heavy liquid of my face as I touch my cheek, it's blood that runs through it. My eyes are crying of blood

As I finish walk through the witches

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As I finish walk through the witches. The spell has been lifted. The pain in my body is gone but my connection to nature and everything around it is gone. I'm not a witch anymore. It's gone.

I turn to everyone and everyone has shunned me. They can't even look at me anymore. It's like I don't exist to them, like i'm nothing. I hate this feeling.

I turn back around to walk out of the grave yard because I am not welcome there anymore.

• • • • • •
I didn't have much of a choice to come here because I had to tell somebody. Someone. After everything I needed to see him. As I knock on the front door at the Mikaelson's mansion, I waited for answer.

The door flies open and I look up to see Kol in front of me. He looks me up and down but mostly at my face. He sighs heavily. He knows actually what happened to me.

"I'm sorry Darling." Kol finally says and I rush up into his arms. I start to cry so hard into Kol's chest and he brushes my hair with his free hand. I needed this. I needed his comfort.

I don't have anything anymore

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I don't have anything anymore. All I have is Kol.

Such a sad chapter. Poor Davina but I promise it will be get better. I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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