Chapter 4

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The night has started and all the guest have been slowly arriving to the New Orleans reunion party. Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches all over New Orleans are here to celebrate their four year of peace.

Moments later Kol and the Mikaelson's have arrived to the party in perfect unison. Klaus accompany by Caroline and Elijah with Elena. Surprisingly Kol accompany by his new guest of honor Alyssa Foster.

                                   |Kol's POV|
"Gosh this is so boring." I complain as I look around.

"I do advise you to be on your best behavior Kol. We don't want to make a sense here." Elijah warns me and I roll my eyes at him.

"Ooh theres Cassandra White. The head of the New Orleans council Committee. I better go thank her for inviting us." Caroline says as happy as she always is. "Come on Nik." She says as she particularly drag Nik.

"Elijah we should go say hi to people." Elena suggested.

"Of course." Elijah says and Elena and him walk away together. Leaving me and my date Alyssa.

"I'm thirsty" She says to me.

"Same here. How about you go get us some drinks? Would you please darling?" I asked her and she smiles and nods and walks away.

I look around the room to see a bunch of Witches and Werewolves. The werewolves don't technically live with us but they do live across the bayou.

"Kol Mikaelson." I hear my name being announced and I turn to see it's the red headed girl that I almost killed four years ago. "It's been a long time hasn't it?" She asked and I smirk at her.

"Genevieve isn't it?" She nods. "I haven't seen you in four years." I say to her.

"It really has been a long time. So glad that you and your family could make it tonight." She says as she takes a sip out of her wine glass.

" and my family are honored to be here tonight." I says to her. I personally don't care of the slightest to be here. I am just giving her everything that she wants to hear.

"Where is the rest of your family? I know I saw Elijah here or something."Genevieve suddenly asked.

"I don't know actually. Try looking around. You will probably find them." I say to her a bit abrupt. I'm just a bit annoyed by taking to her after everything that she has done. I can't pretend to be civil for a long period of time.

"Hmm very well. It's good to see you Kol." She says and she walks away. Gosh I thought she would never leave.

"I'm back with our drinks." Alyssa says as she pass me a wine glass.

"Thank you darling." I say taking it from her.

"Everything alright? You seem a bit tensed." She asked me and I nod.

"I'm good darling. Don't worry about it." I say to her.

"Alright." She says and she takes a sip of her wine glass.

The more I stand here, I notice I've been getting a lot of eyes on me. Manly from the witches. A few that I quite recognize from before. I have yet to see the harvest girls anywhere. I guess they are a no show and if that's the case I have nothing to worry about.

Sorry for the short chapter but I had to end it this way. I still hope you enjoy it. 😊

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