Chapter 11

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                                    |Kol's POV|
I suddenly pop my head up at Davina's direction. I'm quite curious to hear her answer. Not that I should care but I do.

"Niklaus."Elijah calls out to him.

"What? I'm just making conversation." Nik says and he turns and gives me a smirk. He's obviously trying to break my cool tonight.

And so far it's working but yet Davina hasn't answered the question. Is she really seeing someone?

"No. No guy." Davina says rather simple but simple I don't believe her.

"I thought you were since I saw you with that guy at the party yesterday." Nik admits and I look at Davina. What guy? I didn't see her with anyone.

"Oh no that was my best friend Josh." She says and everyone starts to look at each other "He's gay." She finishes and somehow a huge signed of relief hits my face.

Just a gay best friend. No problem.

• • • • • •

Dinner is over and I am happy about it because now I can go up to my room and not have to be out here anymore.

"Thank you guys for inviting me over to dinner. It was delicious." Davina compliments.

"Anytime Davina. It was really good to see you. You should come by soon. We can go shopping and stuff." Caroline says and I can see Elena's face lit up at the talk of shopping. Seriously, girls and their bloody shopping fetish.

"Of course. I would love that." Davina says with a big smile. Her smile is still gorgeous as ever. Davina is still beautiful and I can tell she's changed.

Her hair is much longer and it look liked she added highlights in her hair. It suits her very well. Why am I thinking about her like this? I should be moving on.

As everyone gives their plant to Mary our personal chief. I begin to walk upstairs to my room.

"Kol." I hear my name being called and I turn to see it's Davina standing at the very end of the stairs. "Can we talk please?" She asked me. I'm not sure what do or think. Why would she even want to talk to me?

"Sure." I ended up saying. I'm not entirely sure why I agreed but it's only fair to here her out. The last time we talked alone was when she told me to forget about her.

I'm guessing it has something to do with that.

As we enter my bed room I see Davina eyes all around. This is the first time she's actually been in my room. I've been in her room all the time when she use to live here.

"Nice bedroom." She compliments.

"Thank you." I say to her. I'm not quite sure what she wants to say. I just want her to get straight to the point.

"Kol I know it's weird seeing me again after all these years." She says but I scoff.

"Pff clearly it hasn't been for you." I spat at her. I don't know what really came over me to say that. I guess I just lost a bit of my cool for a second.

"You're still mad. I get it." Davina says looking down. I must have really hurt her feelings but she straightens up. "I know when I came back I ended things but I did have a reason to but I realized when life went on. I couldn't stop thinking about you." She admits and I am completely astonished by her words.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked her. I'm not entirely sure if I heard her correctly.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you." She admits again and this time I heard it very clearly.

Another weird ending but this will continue in the next chapter in Davina's POV

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