Chapter 16

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It's pretty rare to see someone else pov but it's all part of the story.

|Josh's POV|
I bend down to help Davina up. She is still out. She lost a lot of blood. I guess we figured out the vampire that was draining innocent people. At least that problem is done. I still don't know what I should do.

I don't even know where Davina lives. I reach down in her pockets to get her phone to see if their is anyone that could help. As I look through her contacts, I see the only name that I recognize and it's Kol.

I press the number and I place Davina's phone in my ear. It rings twice and it picks up.

"Davina. Are you okay?" Kol says. His accent is strong and he sounds concerned.

"Hey no it's me Josh. Look Davina fainted and she lost a lot of blood and I don't know what to do and I don't know where she lives." I explained to him rather fast.

"Where are you?" He questions me.

"I'm at an ally next to the coffee shop. Davina always comes here every morning." I explained to him.

"I'm on my way just don't move." He tells me

"Okay." I say and the phone call ends. I look over at Davina as I have her in my arms still. "It's going to be okay Davina. Just keep breathing. Alright." I tell her even though she can't hear me.

• • • • • •
I wait around 10 minutes and I see a car light pulling up at the ally. The light is so bright that I squint my eyes a bit. The car door opens and it slams shut. Kol speed runs his way towards me.

"Davina!" He shouts and he takes her out of my arms. "What happened to her?" He asked me.

"That vampire girl tried to kill her and she wouldn't stop." I point to the dead vampire girls body. "She was draining Davina's blood out." I tell him. He looks down at the girl with wide eyes.

"Alyssa." I hear him whisper but thanks to my vampire ears, I heard him clearly.

"You know her?" I questioned him.

"Yeah. She's my girlfriend or I should say was." He admits.

"Oh." I say to him.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Get rid of the body. Burry it or burn it. I don't really care which." He says in a dispassionate tone.

So much for a bad breakup.

I watch Kol take Davina in his car bridal style as he places her in the front passenger seat. I watch him get into his car and he starts to drive off. I begin to do what Kol says and to get rid of the body.

I'm just glad Davina is okay.

|Kol's POV|
I watch Davina from time to time as she sleeps in my car. I notice she lost a lot of blood. I can smell it but I can't focus on that right now. I need to get her to safety.

At least Alyssa is not longer an issue but I don't understand why she attacked Davina like that and further more who turn her? So many questions have yet to be answered.

"Don't worry darling. We're almost there." I say to Davina as I look her sleeping body. It feel good to have Davina again.

It feels just like old times. Especially now when I was protecting her. I made it to my house and I quickly unbuckle Davina and I pick her up again in bridal style. I can feel the blood dripping on my arm and I'm trying to not pay too much attention to it.

Come on Kol. Get it together.

I bust through the door with my feet as I step Davina into our main entrance.

"Elijah! Nik! Come help!" I shout to them and everyone quickly rush to me in a blink of an eye. I look onto Elijah's face as he looks flabbergasted.

"Oh my god." I hear Caroline says out of her mouth as she covers it up.

"Brother what happened to her?" Elijah asked me as he steps a bit closer.

"She fainted and she lost a lot of blood." I explained to him. "Alyssa tried to kill her." I admit to them and they all looked at me with wide eyes.

"Mary!" Nik shouts and she comes out from the kitchen with a wash cloth in her hand.

"Yes." She says

"Please go fetch a towel for us. Very quickly." He says to her and she nods and immediately goes to get a towel.

"Kol just set Davina down on the couch." Elena says and I walk into the living room with Davina in my arm. I still sit with her in my arms because I don't want the blood drip on the couch.

God knows what Caroline would have done if she found a spot of blood on our three thousand dollar couch.

"Here's the towel you asked for." Mary says passing it to Nik and he gives it to me as I wrap it around her neck.

I lay Davina down on the pillow as she rest on the couch. I move some hair from her face a little.

"So much for our sleepover." I say to her as I smile at her sleeping body.

I hope you love this chapter guys. Things are getting a bit crazy.

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