Chapter 21

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                                |Davina's POV|
I'm getting myself prepared for my date night with Kol. I have everything planned and ready to go. I am so excited I think I can literally try to fly. I decided to wear a light pink dress that has design lace and it's spaghetti strapped. It's pretty short but not too much.

 It's pretty short but not too much

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It looks perfect. I hope Kol will love it to.

I hear a car beep from outside of my apartment complex and I see Josh standing right in front of his car. I quickly grab my mini bag and walk out the door.

"Your personal uber is here." Josh says so dramatically and I laugh.

"Thank you so much for this Josh." I say to him.

"Don't worry about it Davina. By the way you look smoking hot in that dress." He compliments me and I smile.

"Thanks." I say to him.

"Now come on. You have a date to go to." He says as I hop into the passenger seat of Josh's car. "Next stop the Mikaelson's." Josh says to me as he drives off to the Mikaelson's mansion.

• • • • •
As Josh pulls up at The Mikaelson's mansion, I start to get really nervous about my date now.

"Hey, you okay?" Josh suddenly asked me and I turn to look at him.

"Yeah just a little nervous." I admit to him.

"Don't worry. You look great and I know Kol is going to love what you have planned." Josh says and I smile.

"You really are the worlds greatest best friend." I say to him.

"Aww thanks babe. Now get out of here." Josh says playfully shoving me out of his car and I laugh.

"Okay thanks for the ride." I says stepping out of his car.

"Don't mention it. Bye." Josh says and I wave as he leaves. I turn facing the Mikaelson's mansion and I am super nervous right now.

Here I go Davina.

I knock on the door and as I wait for an answer, it opens wide. Kol stands right in front of me with a white rose in his hand. I actually never seen a white rose before.

"Gosh you look gorgeous." He says looking at me up and down. Just admiring me. I blush.

"You look really good to." I says and Kol leans in to give me a small kiss on the cheek.

"Davina I am actually quite nervous." Kol admits and I am a little relieved.

"Me to." I admit to him as well. "We actually have to go a bit distance away but I promise you it will be worth it." I says to Kol.

"I have no doubt that it will be perfect." Kol says and I smile. "Shall we?" Kol says and he offers his arm to me

"We shall." I say taking it.

"This is also for you." He says passing me his white rose.

"Thank you." I say taking it and smelling it. It smells amazing.

We hop into Kol's car while I am in the driver seat while Kol sits in the passenger seat. Kol has no idea where I'm taking him and I am really excited to see the surprise look on his face.

This chapter was a bit short but I promise the next chapter will be a bit longer.

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