Chapter 7

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                                    |Kol's POV|
"Woah darling, we are almost there." I say as I hold Alyssa up. I completely forgot about Alyssa's drinking problem. She will literally drink till she drops.

"I want my blanket." She whines as I open the front door to Alyssa's apartment.
"Your blanket is upstairs in your room." I say to her.

"Can you get it for me?" She asked as I lay her down on the couch.

"Sure." I say to her and I speed run upstairs to get it. "Here you go darling." I say passing it to her.

"Hmm I have the best vampire boyfriend ever." She says and I shake my head as I grin at her comment.

"Alyssa I'm going to go alright. I'll call you in the morning." I say to her as I walk out of her apartment.

Now that is over I can go myself home. It's a good thing Alyssa lives close. I hate running to a far distance. I begin to speed run my way back home.

I left the party pretty early because of Alyssa intake but mostly for myself. I couldn't stand there seeing Davina the whole night. She looked absolutely gorgeous tonight and she looks more mature and older.

I was little surprised that she wasn't dating anyone or that she didn't bring a date to the party. I mean she did say she get the news last minute but I couldn't help but feel there is another good reason.

I guess it doesn't matter. I moved on. I'm with Alyssa. I need to except that. I made it back home and I go upstairs to my room. I stop in my tracks and I see Davina's old bedroom.

No Kol, remember she left you. She doesn't love you anymore.

                              |Davina's POV|
I make my way back home from the party and honestly I'm quite tired. It was pretty hard being there and seeing Kol for the first time in four years. He hasn't changed at all of course but in a way he did. He seemed happy.

As he should. All I ever wanted was for Kol to be happy but sometimes I wish he was happy with me. Seeing him with that Alyssa girl was hard. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. And so I cry.

I walk up into my apartment room and I begin to take off my dress and take a shower. As soon as I finish, I wrap myself in a towel as I look into my draw to find clothes to wear. I ended up getting a white low crop top that just covers my lower belly and some sweatpants.

As I was about to go to bed I look at my nightstand to see the necklace that Kol gave me. I remember the day Kol gave it to me and he wrapped it around my neck. It was one of the moments that I knew I have fallen in love with him.

I took it off because it was too heartbreaking to have it on but seeing it again just brings back so many memories. I really miss Kol a lot and it's killing me but he's moved on and I guess I have to as well.

 I really miss Kol a lot and it's killing me but he's moved on and I guess I have to as well

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Pretty sad moments for theses two but trust me it will get better.

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