Chapter 17

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                                |Davina's POV|
I start to have feelings in my body again. Everything was slowly starting to feel more normal. My vision is blurry and my neck is in so much pain but their is a light shining. Am i dead?

As I regain vision I realize I'm on a soft surface and I'm looking at a high but familiar celling.

"Davina." I hear my name being called and the thick accent sounds so familiar. "Darling."I hear the same voice again.

"Kol?" I groan in pain. My neck is in so much pain.

"I'm here Davina." The voice says again and I'm for sure it's Kol's. I open my eyes a bit wide until I see his face in front of me. I begin to reach out towards his face with my hand as I crease his cheek with my thumb. "Darling are you okay?" He asked me.

I groan in pain I was slowly move my head to the side to reveal my open wound on my neck.

"Don't worry Darling. I'm make it all better." Kol promise me. I release my hand from his face.

I start to see Kol face turn into veins for the second time and I see his fangs slowly popping out as Kol brings up his forearm and he begins to bite it.

"Drink Davina." He tells me. I'm confused on what he wants me to do but I trust him. He brings his arm close to my mouth and I open it wide to drink his blood. It taste a bit weird but it's not like the iron taste I thought it had. Kol's blood as a flavor and it taste good actually.

Never thought I would say blood taste good.

As I finish drinking Kol's blood. I can see his arm slowly healing back like nothing happened and moments later. I feel the pain in my neck slowly healing as well.

Kol healed me. Kol's blood healed my neck.

"Thank you." I say to him and he smiles.

"I'm glad you are okay." He says to me as he places his hand on top of mine.

"It's gonna take a lot more than that to kill me." I joke to Kol and he chuckles a bit at my humor.

"I never had a doubt Davina Claire." He says and I smile at him.

I begin to look around my area and I realize that I'm at the Mikaelson's mansion in their living room.

"Where is everybody?" I suddenly asked Kol.

"They are asleep." He admits.

"What time is it?"I asked him again as I try to slowly get up from the couch.

"It's 2:30am." Kol says and I look at him surprised. Kol really stayed here the whole time waiting me for to get up.

Knowing this brings back memories of Kol watching me sleep when I was living here.

"Well I'm kind of hungry." I tell him and he nods.

"I'll go fetch you a snack in the kitchen." Kol says and he stands up from in front of me and walks out to go to the kitchen.

I reach down at my pocket to take out my phone. I see a text from Josh on my lock screen.

Josh- Call me when you wake up.

I read the message pretty slowly and I finally decided to give him a call. I wait for answers and just in 3 rings. Josh answers.

"Hey... Josh." I say to him slowly.

"You alright?" He asked through the phone and I can tell he sounds concerned.

"Yeah, I'm feeling much better." I admit to him honestly. Thanks to Kol.

"I'm glad. I was quite worried about you." He admits and it's sweet that Josh cares so much. I mean I am pretty sure he was the one saving me from that Vampire.

"Thanks for saving me by the way." I say to him

"Anytime. I just wanted to check up on you if you were okay." Josh says.

"I know." I say to him.

"I'll talk to you later Davina. Goodnight." He says.

"Goodnight." I say and the phone call ends.

"I couldn't find any snacks but I did manage to get you a big bowl of vanilla chocolate chip ice cream." Kol says as he comes back to me with a huge white bowl with a spoon in his hand.

I laugh. "Thank you."

"You're welcome darling." He says and I begin to dig into the ice cream.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's always cute to have Kolvina moments like this.

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