Chapter 10

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|Davina's POV|
I'm standing in front of the Mikaelson's mansion. The last time I was here was when I broke up with Kol and now four years later, I am having dinner with them.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Josh had said about keeping my feelings for Kol inside. I definitely still love him but it seems like he's moved on. It makes me wonder if he ever loved me to begin with.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and I begin to knock on the door. Moments later the door spring open and It's Caroline.

"Oh my god! Davina! Come in." She invites and I walk in pass her into her house. The place definitely still looks the same but I can see some little decor changes and It makes the place look less ancient.

"I'm so glad you're here Davina." Caroline says and I can hear the excitement in her voice.

"Same here. Thanks for the invite." I say to her.

"No problem. You came just in time. Dinner is about to start." Caroline says and I follow her to the dining room.

As I walk in I see everyone except Freya of course. I haven't seen Freya in four years but she did keep in contact for a while but over the years we kind of stop texting each other. I see Elijah right behind Elena while she sits and Klaus standing beside a chair and when I walk a bit further I don't see Kol.

It's a bit disappointing that he can't even come down for dinner just so he doesn't have to see me. For some odd reason I just want to crawl in my bed and cry for the whole night.

"Good Evening Davina. Thank you for coming over for dinner tonight." Elijah finally says to me and I smile.

"How was your day Davina?" Elena suddenly asked.

"It was fine. Not much to do with the harvest right now but everything seems to be fine." I admit to her.

The personal chief comes in with a cart filled with trays. Just seeing the old personal chief brings back old memories. I take a seat at the table and I sit in between Elena and Caroline while the men sit in front of us.

"Wait! Where's Kol?" Caroline suddenly asked.

"I'm right here. Sorry I was preparing and getting myself ready." He says. Seeing Kol again just brings back old memories. Kol catches me starring at him before he speaks.

"Good Evening Davina." He finally says.

"Good Evening." I say back to him and Kol takes a seat right in front of me.

I am not prepared for this at all.

I know I was going to see him tonight but for some reason it's hard to see him. He looks okay. He doesn't seem mad or sad. He kind of just looks like regular Kol.

Except this time Kol is not in love with me anymore.

The personal chief goes around and place our food down in front of us. The food smells delicious. The food at the Mikaelson's always smells delicious.

"So Davina, I really loved your speech yesterday." Caroline say to me.

"Thank you so much but obviously your speech was better." I say to her.

"Really?" She asked not believing me.

"Yeah. It was well said." I say to her

"You're very sweet Davina. Thank you."She says and I smile at her again.

Sitting here with the Mikaelson's always felt good but I still feel that awkwardness in the room. Kol is right in front of me. I take a few glance here and their at him but he never looks up. I don't blame him.

But I couldn't help but notice how civil he's being. I heard the rumors and the stories that Kol Mikaelson is not a very civil person. He's hard headed and don't really like to be told what to do. But he was never like that with me.

He protected me and he cared about me and now it's gone.

"So Davina any love interest?" Klaus suddenly asked and I am a bit taken back. I honestly don't know what to say.

Sorry for ending it here. But this conversation will continue in the next chapter.

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