Chapter 5

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|Davina's POV|
Me and the harvest just arrived at the New Orleans reunion party. Everything in here looks so beautiful and well decorated. I see so many familiar faces around and everyone is showing us greetings when we walk in.

"The harvest girls in the flesh. The New Orleans committee thanks you for your arrival." A lady with long blonde hair says. Her dress is a cream crystal color and I love the way it fits her well.

"Thank you for having us." The regent says to her.

"Please enjoy your time here. My name is Cassandra White." She says to us and she begins to walk away.

"Okay girls. Spread out, interact, and Davina make sure you are prepared for your speech. You are in charge of this." The regent reminds me and I nod and everyone spreads out.

I see the other Harvest girls talking to other people and just having a good time. I stand here a bit nervous. I'm not very good at small talk. Especially when it's people I don't know.

"Davina." I hear my name being called. I turn around to see Josh. I am so surprised to see him here.

"Josh W-what are you are doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm here for the party. All the vampires in New Orleans are here at this thing. Even the spoil rich ones." Josh whispers on that last one and I laugh.

"It's really good to see you again." I say to him.

"I saw you with your little group earlier and everyone was looking right at you guys. Was that the harvest group you were talking about?" He asked me.

"Yeah those were the harvest girls." I admit to him.

"Cool well I'll catch up with you later. I have to go find another snack." Josh says playfully licking his lips and I laugh.

"Okay see you later." I say to him and he walks away.

"Davina Claire." I hear my name being called again. "It's that you?" I turn to see it's Caroline and Klaus and Elijah and Elena right behind them.

"Hey guys." I greet to them while Caroline comes up to give me a hug.

"Gosh I haven't talk to you in weeks." She says.

"It's good to see you again Davina." Klaus says to me.

"It's nice to see you to." I say back to him.

"Davina you look stunning tonight." Elijah compliment as he reaches for my hand and kisses it. Elijah is a gentleman and he has always been.

"Thanks Elijah." I say to him. I use to blush at the gesture but I am use to them now. That's just how he is.

"Hey Davina it's good to see you." Elena says as she gives me a soft hug. She release our hug to go back to Elijah.

"So I'm guessing the rest of the Harvest girls are here?" Caroline asked and I nod.

"The regent wanted us to spread out and interact." I tell her.

"Hows everything going over there? I know we haven't really hangout for a couple of weeks." Elena asked me.

"We've been pretty busy but things have slowed down now. We done a lot of work." I inform her.

"Well if you aren't busy tomorrow night. We would love to have you for dinner to catch up." Elijah offers. Having dinner with the Mikaelson's again. That brings back old times.

"I would definitely love that." I accept the offer. Why not? I miss them and they are kind of like my second family.

"Oh Kol you're here." Elijah says as Kol cuts his way towards them.

When Kol sees me he froze. The look that he is giving me is the same look he gave me when I came back to life to see him. I stare at him as well. He looks the same but different somehow.

He hasn't aged of course but I feel like he changed over the four years.

"Davina." He suddenly says.

"Kol." I say to him back.

"I didn't except to see you tonight." Kol admitted and it kind of hurts. It's a New Orleans reunion. Every witch, Vampire, and Werewolf in town is here.

"Well me and the harvest are here tonight." I tell him.

"Right. The harvest." He says and it seems like he regain himself.

"Davina so where's your date?" Caroline asked and I give her a weird look.

"Date?" I asked bewilderedly.

"You didn't bring a date tonight?" Caroline asked surprised.

"Didn't really have time to ask someone to be my date. I kind of heard about this at the last minute." I admit to her.

"Well that's okay." She says with a smile.

"Kol there you are."A girl with long brunette hair says. She has a purple lace dress that is somehow similar to the one that I worn with Kol on our date four years ago.

Not to mention she kind of looks like me.

"Oh who is this?" I hear her ask Kol.

"This is Davina." He says to her.

"Hi nice to meet you. I'm Alyssa." She says as she offers her hand. I take it and let out a force smile.

"Well we will catch you later Davina. It was nice seeing you." Caroline says and I nod.

"It was good to see you as well." I say to her but this time my smile is real and she walks away with Klaus having Elijah and Elena follow behind. Now it's just me, Kol and Alyssa.

"So what are you? A vampire? A werewolf?"Alyssa asked.

"I'm a witch." I say to her.

"Right." She says.

"Alyssa darling, how about we have a dance?" Kol asked her and I can see the happiness in her face

"Yes lets go." She says practically squealing.

"It's good to see you Davina." Kol says turning his attention and I nod.

Was it really good to see me?

I honestly didn't know what to expect. Kol not having a date. Yeah right. Kol could have any girl he wants because he's a Mikaelson. I can't really say anything. It's not like I expected to see him fall all over me. Why would he?

I broke his heart and basically told him I didn't love him anymore. It's been four years. Thats more then enough time to get over someone but the truth is. I didn't.

I never got over him. I think about him everyday. I love him.

Pretty long chapter but it's worth it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter😊

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