Chapter 6

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                                |Davina's POV|
I wipe off my tears with a napkin that I found from one of the tables.

"No Davina. You can't cry. Not now." I say to myself. I flat out my dress and fix my hair a bit so no one will suspect that I was crying.

All I have to do is get through the night and go home. By tomorrow I should be fine. I hope.

There was a huge loud ring from the stage upfront and everyones attention has turn to the microphone ring.

"Welcome everyone to the New Orleans Reunion party!" The blonde hair lady from before says and I believe her name was Cassandra. "I just want to thank you all for coming. We really do appreciate it. I am so happy to see all of you here. For years the supernatural have been at war with each other and I am so happy to say we found a way to co-exist." Cassandra says to all of us. "Now let's get on with the Speeches. Up first is Caroline Forbes from Mystic falls." Cassandra introduces. Caroline walks across the stage giving Cassandra a hand shake.

"Hello everyone." Caroline says cheerfully. "I just  want to say thank you Cassandra for inviting me and my family. For the first time in centuries New Orleans has found a way to get back on track. Ever since I moved her with the Mikaelson's. I learn that family is power and with all that power comes with responsibility. I realize that before I got here everything wasn't fine and it needed to be fix so we made a truce and we promise to keep the peace between the vampires, witches and werewolves. And now we have been in peace for four years." Caroline says and everyone claps to her speech. Caroline is great on the microphone. It's like she was made for the spotlight.

I see Caroline make her way towards Klaus and he gives her a small kiss on her cheek while he place his arms around her waist.

"Thank you Caroline for that wonderful speech. Now lets have the Harvest girls of New Orleans to please take the stage." Cassandra announced and I walk upon the stage. I am literally so nervous for my speech but it's a little better that I am standing with the harvest girls.

I see the Regent signaling me to begin my speech and I take a huge sigh before I go up to the microphone.

"Good Evening everyone. I'm Davina Claire and I am one of the harvest girls. I just want to say thank you for The New Orleans Committee for inviting us. The harvest has been so busy for the last few years and we have worked so hard to get everything in place. I also want to say that I am so happy that vampires, werewolves, and witches have been in peace for so long. I am happy that we finally put an end to all the drama in the past." I say to and everyone cheers and claps. I am so happy that I made it through with my speech. I kind of just wing it.

The Harvest girls and I and the regent made our way off the stage. Now I guess the party has begun because everyone is now dancing.

"Wow what a speech." Josh says as he stand right beside me.

"Thanks, I kind of just wing it." I admit to him.

"Just like you did on our science protect when you didn't know anything about periodic tables" Josh reminds and I roll my eyes.

"Hey you didn't know what to say neither." I say back to him but he laughs.

"Fair enough. So who are those people that look so unison like?" He asked and I give him a confused look.

"What people?" I asked him.

"Them." He points and I look over to see it's the Mikaelson's.

"Those are the Mikaelson's." I tell him. "They are actually the first ever vampires to ever existed." I whisper to him and Josh gives me a surprised look.

"Like the first?" He questions and I nod." Wow." He says and I laugh. "Not to mention they are hot for old people." Josh says and I laugh.

I do have to admit that the Mikaelson's are pretty hot.

"Too bad that non of them are gay. Right?" Josh laughs.

"Actually their sister is a lesbian. Her name is Freya." I inform him.

"They have a sister?" Josh says shock and I nod.

"They actually have two sisters." I added.

"That is insane and they are all still alive?" He asked.

"Except for one. Their oldest brother Finn died." I tell him.

"How do you know so much about these people?" Josh suddenly asked me.

"Because I use to live with them. I was really close to Freya and Kol." I admit to him.

"Wow I bet that was fun." He says and I shrug.

"It was a bit intense but they turn out to be very nice people. They are actually like my second family." I say to him and I mean it. The Mikaelson's are a very special family and not just because they are vampires.

They take their level of family to the extreme and in the end they would die for each other.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's a little weird ending but I'm getting better lol 😅

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