Let's Egg Them...Or Not

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Robert Pattinson x reader

Rating: PG...some profanity, a bunch of anxious moments, and lots of weirdness.

Summary: A frantic text from you makes a friend freak the hell out when you don't answer his phone call.


The phone keeps ringing...


*10 minutes earlier*

You get this text from a family member who likes to make you feel like an idiot.

"ur wrong. I no what I talk about. u think ur better because u went 2 college but u aint. ur just a horrible person and u will always b alone."

This family member has attacked you on social media and it hurts. This was the final straw.

You screen grab it because you have to show someone. You then decide to text your best friend who knows all too well what it's like to have people insult them for something so meaningless.

You send the screen grab. "Can you believe this shit?" you put in the text.

"I told you before that they aren't worth your time," Rob texts back to you.

You reply. "Shit! They just sent me another text. This time, they're attacking me because of things I'm passionate about. They also called me a loudmouth liberal from the northeast who needs to shut up. Oh and they insulted the fact that my parents let me go to college. UGH!"

"Deep breaths," he replies back to you.

"I can't take this," you text back.

"I'm on my way over there."

And that was the last text you heard.

*10 minutes later*

You can hear your phone ringing but you're too nervous to answer. You keep asking yourself why you kept "Gives You Hell" as the default ringtone for everything.

Rob has been trying to call you for the last five minutes while dodging traffic to get to you. Every time you don't answer, he hits the button on the steering wheel to hang up the phone and gets Siri to dial your number yet again.

"WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER?" he screams at the ringing sound on the other end of the phone.

Just then some guy cuts him off. "What is wrong with these people? Do they not see me? Idiot," he says. He then turns his attention to trying to call you again, "Siri call [y/n]."

Siri tries calling you again and it goes to your voice mail. "UGH! Why doesn't she answer?!"

Of course you don't answer. You're too riddled with anxiety and grief. You just sit there on the porch swing and stare at the phone.

You then hear something and look up to see a car pull up. "Thank God, you're okay," Rob says to you as he runs up to the porch.

You just stare. You're too crazed to even speak.

"Do you know how freaked out I was? I thought something happened," he tells you. You just look at him like your'e about to crack.

He knows that look you're giving him because he's seen it before. He takes a deep breath and joins you on the swing.

"Sorry, [y/n]," he tells you. "It's just when you text me with this feeling of anxiety and depression and then don't answer my calls, I get a little nervous."

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