Haunted Hayride Chaos

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Robert Pattinson x reader

Rating: PG...because it's cute.

Summary: The reader gets her friends together for some fun on a haunted hayride but it's one of them in particular that surprises her.

"Hey, we going or what?"

Your friend Artie is asking if you're ready to go. He and Tia came over at the time you told them to but you're waiting on two other friends. That's when Jackson shows up. "Hey, [y/n]!" he says as he goes to fist bump you.

"Okay, now we're just waiting for one more," you say to everyone and that's when that one friend you were waiting on pulls into your driveway.

"Sorry guys," Rob says to you and the gang. "GPS threw me off course again."

"This is so typical of you, Rob," Artie says.

"Did I mention that my GPS got me lost three times," he says to Artie.

"Dude, you've only been here like six hundred thousand times," Jackson says. "Sometimes I think you have a little crush on [y/n]." Artie and Tia laugh at Jackson's joke. You just stand there and roll your eyes at them.

"Guys, please cut him some slack," you tell Jackson and Artie. You are known for sticking up for your friends a lot of times but when it comes to Rob, you're the classic best friend who always had his back.

Jackson starts making kissing noises. "You two should just get a room already," he says to you. "Let's face it, [y/n], you only keep him around to make us jealous and because you secretly have a thing for him."

You give Jackson a death stare. "Yeah, like how you kept that girl from Spain around because you wanted to get in bed with her? See, two can play at that little game," you tell him.

Tia then heads over to Artie's car. Tia's brother, Darius is in the car waiting because he thought you were all going to be ready to go as soon as they got there. "We'll see you all there," Artie says as he climbs in the driver's seat.

You, Jackson, and Rob play rock, paper, scissors to see who is going to drive. You lose quickly and then Jackson throws out rock to which Rob throws out scissors. "How do I always lose to Jackson," he asks.

"Hey, you ran late, pal," Jackson says heading to the car. "Consider this the penance for making us wait."

You just look at Rob and smile. "Don't let him get to you. Sometimes I think he's a little upset because someone dropped a house on his sister."

"You and those Beetlejuice references," he says laughing.

"What? It's a classic!"

All three of you get in the car and of course Jackson lets you get in the front passenger seat. "At least I know you have a sense of direction in case his GPS goes crazy again," Jackson tells you. You roll your eyes at Jackson.

You're on the way to a haunted hayride which is a much needed distraction after everything going on the last couple of weeks. On the way there, you and Rob drive Jackson nuts by singing along to every song you know that comes on the radio. "Don't you two listen to something other than old school rock and blues," Jackson says.

"Well, I could get [y/n] to play some Imagine Dragons," Rob jokes. He knows that response always pisses Jackson off because he hates Imagine Dragons with a passion. Sure enough, it shuts Jackson up.

You get to where the hayride is and notice there's also a haunted house. "Anyone up for it?" you ask.

Tia and Darius back out but Artie says he's game.

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