New Year

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Robert Pattinson x reader

Rating: PG

Warnings: A bunch of silliness. 

Summary: A New Year's Eve party brings some interesting moments.

This is in first person POV


I was just put in charge of planning the New Year's Eve party. I think I have everything taken care of and then the craziest one out of my friend group shows up in my driveway.

"Happy New Year!" 

"Okay, Rob, I'm not going to ask what's with the look because I saw worse the time I was working in Times Square with a news company."

Okay, it wasn't too was just those weird ass glasses with the year on them. "I got a pair for you too," he tells me. I roll my eyes.  But then he adds salt to the wound. "Also, I got these," he says putting a novelty tiara on my head.

 "Also, I got these," he says putting a novelty tiara on my head

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"I think it would look better on you," I tease. 

"[y/n], where's your sense of fun? Don't tell me you lost it this year."

Maybe I did lose it. This year has not been good to me between the death of a beloved family member, my boyfriend breaking up with me, and a car accident I was in earlier this year. Sure getting my new job with a digital news organization was awesome but this year still sucked. 

"My sense of fun would be seeing you running around wearing this tiara," I tease. 

"Okay," he says to me pulling another one out of the bag.  I had to laugh at that. "I think that was the highlight of my year." 

"Wait...we have to document this one," he says to me pulling his phone out of his pocket. We end up taking a selfie which he sends to me with a message that says, "The perfect end to a crappy year." 

That night we had the party and I have to admit it was fun. Several of our friends decided to play a little beer pong but the really funny part was when we got my cousin Leo to sing karaoke while he was drunk. 

That's the rules at my New Year's Eve parties...the first person drunk does something stupid. This was of course followed by my friend Zach stripping down to his underwear and running down my street saying he was "Baby New Year."

It's 11:58. "Hey guys, the ball is about to drop," my friend Kassidy says. I manage to get it up on the flatscreen in the living room and we all gather around to count down. 


"Hope everyone has someone to kiss," Zach tells us. He then grabs his girlfriend Moria.


I can see everyone pulling close to someone.


I look around and smile. "Please God, let this new year be better," I say to myself.


I then see Rob standing next to me still wearing that goofy tiara and glasses combo. "Relax, it's going to be great," he says to me.


"I hope so."


We then see the ball hit the base of the pole in Times Square and the year lights up. Everyone cheers. 


I see everyone just having a good old time when I slip out of the room and onto the back porch. I then pull out my vape pen and start puffing away. My phone goes off with texts from my brother and a few others but otherwise, it's quiet.

I slowly inhale the vape when I hear the door from the house open. I would then notice Rob standing by the door before he approaches me. "Thought you could use some company," he says. 

"You just came out here to sneak a vape yourself, didn't you," I tease inhaling another hit from the vape pen. That's when he realizes I called his bluff when I witnessed him reaching for the Juul in his pocket. 

"Guilty as charged," he says. He then notices the scent of the liquid I was using. "New vape liquid," he asks me. "Usually you have a strawberry scented one."

"Yeah, Blue Monkey was having a sale and the guy said this was one of their most popular ones. He says it's supposed to be like orange sherbet."

 We stand by the railing of the back deck in silence for a moment. Just two crazy friends enjoying the New Year's Eve festivities and the smell of that orange sherbet scented vape coming from my pen. 

He breaks the silence first. "Another year behind us," he says to me.

 "Yeah...another year," I say.  I still can't help but notice the tiara. "You know I said about wearing it as a joke, right?"

"[y/n], in the time you've known me, you should realize I'm one to do crazy shit."  He's right...he's a bit crazy but you know what? I don't care. 

I laugh a little at that. "And that's why you became my best friend."  I then walk over towards him. "Happy new year," I say before planting a kiss on his jaw. 

"This is going to be a good one," he says to me. "I can feel it."


Author's note: This was somewhat inspired on the crappy year many of my friends and I faced. I lost my sister in May 2020 and my mom two weeks before Christmas. I have a friend who is going through a split and I have had a few friends who sustained some wicked injuries from accidents. 

I'm hoping 2020 is awesome for everyone.

PS. There IS a Blue Monkey that sells vape products. It's actually called Blue Monkey Vapes and I buy from then quite often. The orange flavored one that I mention in the story is called Push Papi and it's actually pretty good. I've used it around my dad and he never complains about the stench...and he smoked for over 30 years before quitting in 1996. 

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