Fly Eagles Fly

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Robert Pattinson x reader

Rating: PG...some minor profanity.

Summary: The reader is supposed to be on a night out with friends but when the friends get too wrapped up in other things, she makes a new one.


You and your friends Jake and Lexie decided on a night out. You end up at this sports bar/grill in town to watch the Philadelphia Eagles play the Dallas Cowboys.

"Those Cowgirls are going to lose big time," Jake tells you.

"Fly Eagles fly," you say to him.

You all order your drinks and some snacks and go to watch the game.

*First half ends*

Lexie is flirting with the bartender as usual while Jake is talking with a couple of guys who are going over the first half. Philly is leading by three which is what you love seeing but you just don't like how your friends are ditching you.

You think "They don't care." It's not like you're afraid of the bar because you go here all the time, the regulars wouldn't let shit happen to you. Besides, you also know the owner and he wouldn't let anything happen to you.

You go up to the bar where Lexie is still flirting with the bartender. "Hey Lex, Jake split so wanna hang."

"Yeah, maybe later," she tells you going back to flirting with the bartender.

You pull Lexie aside, "What the fuck? You do this to me all the fucking time. What's more important, the bartender or you're bestie?"

"Fuck you," she says. "You ain't my mom."

"Well, you ain't my best friend," you tell her.

That's when you go up to Glen who is the owner. "Yo, Glen, can I get another one," you ask pointing to your glass.

He knows your usual drink, vodka and Coke so he gets one for you. "On the house, kid," he tells you.

"Lexie is such a bitch," you tell Glen.

"Tell me about it. When do I tell her the bartender has a wife and three kids?" Glen says to you.

You then spot a guy sitting over at another table. "So, Glen, is it me or does that guy seem out of place here? I mean, he's gorgeous and doesn't look like he's from Philly." Glen tells you about him. "Yeah, nice guy. I'm guessing by the accent, he's English. He kinda looks like that vampire from that movie that was big several years ago except he's got more of a build and isn't as pale."

You laugh, "Glen, you know the movie was Twilight, right? Hell, I didn't even see it and I knew that. Although he does kinda look like the guy I seen in a few other good ones."

"Have a good time watching the game," Glen says to you.

"Good Time...that's a great movie," you joke.

You then notice the mystery guy that you and Glen were talking about come up to the bar. "Hey," he says to you.

"How's it going," you say back.

"Is it always this crazy here?"

"Only when the Eagles play," you tell him.

You later find yourself with the mystery English guy at an empty table in the corner talking.

"So I saw that girl you were talking to bailed on you."

"Yeah, she was my best friend from high school but it seems after I went to college, she didn't want anything to do with me. Guess she got jealous."

"Maybe. Hey, I never caught your name," he says.

"That's because I didn't throw it. It's [y/n]."

You then find out that this dashing stranger is EXACTLY who Glen thought it was: you're at a bar, your best friend bailed you for a cute bartender, and your other friend is playing armchair quarterback with a group of guys who couldn't get tickets at The Linc and you are having drinks with none other than Robert Pattinson. This night just got better.

"You from around here," he asks.

"Sort of. I'm originally from New Jersey but I grew up around here," you tell him.

You keep chatting and hear the crowd go bonkers when Philadelphia gets a bad call on a play.

"That ref was blind," you hear one guy say.

"They take sports seriously here, don't they," Rob asks you.

"Let me give you a piece of advice regarding Philly sports: Don't wear the other team's jersey. I saw a guy do this once and he got beaten up pretty badly. You wouldn't want to mess up that jaw now, would you."

He laughs, "Everyone always talks about the jaw."

It's the fourth quarter and you've talked about everything so now you're giving your newfound friend a crash course in football.

"So if the Eagles can steal the ball from Dallas, they can basically run it in for a touchdown." You then sniff, "I smell an interception."

Sure enough, it was an interception.

"You seem to know a lot about football," Rob says to you.

"Yeah, my uncles were all Eagles fans. One of them even has season tickets. It's really the only thing that keeps me in their good graces because hockey's my ideal sport but I'm not a Flyers fan."

"What's your favorite team?"

You lean in and whisper to Rob, "New Jersey Devils." You then both laugh at that.

It's the end of the game, Dallas lost so the crowd is going nuts.

"Hey, [y/n], this is going to sound weird but I'm in the area for a few days and I was wondering what's the coolest things to see here? Seen the Liberty Bell and whatnot but I'm just stumped on what else," Rob asks you.

"Well, if you want, I could always show you some attractions sometime," you tell him. You then hand him a slip of paper with your number on it. "Text me."

You weren't expecting him to text you right then and there. "There, I did." You laugh because the text actually said, "There, I did."

"You know, I like you," you say to him. "I don't get a lot of people who do that stuff. Well, maybe my dad's one friend who I once texted asking where he was and he said, 'On the other side of the phone answering this text.'"

"You seem pretty cool yourself," he tells you. "Wanna meet up tomorrow?"

"Sure," you tell him. "I'll show you the Mutter Museum. It's this place with some weird medical oddities."

"Sounds cool," Rob tells you. "I'll text you later tonight."

You meet up with Jake at the bar. "Lexie bailed on the both of us. Fuck her!" Jake says to you.

Two minutes later, your newfound friend runs up to you. "I think you forgot this," Rob says to you handing you the jacket you left at the bar.


Jake is dumbfounded. "Wait, aren't you...."

You interrupt, "Jake, this is my new friend, Rob. I met him when Lexie bailed on us both."

"See you tomorrow," Rob says to you as you depart.

"You just became friends with Connie from Good Time?!" Jake asks you.

"He's actually pretty cool. We're going to hang in the city tomorrow. Wanna join us?"

"Hey, any friend of yours needs to be friends with me," Jake tells you.

And with that, you and Jake found a best friend and were like, "Lexie who?" 

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