Road Trip

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Robert Pattinson x reader

Rating: R

Warnings: drinking, sexual innuendo, and total craziness.

Summary:  A road trip with a best friend leads to some steamy confessions.

This is in first person POV 


My best friend and I thought it would be a cool idea to go on a road trip to Vegas. Now we're in the middle of nowhere and 100% lost. 

"We are so lost," I say.

Maybe I should clue you in on what happened: I met Rob through an old college friend who was working on a movie with him and we hit it off. Truth is we hit it off pretty damn well. Truth is we hit it off so well that he and I consider each other a best friend. One day he called me and was like, "Hey, how long can it take you to get a couple of bags packed?" When I asked why, he said, "Because I was thinking of hitting up Vegas and I could use a little company on the drive." 

Yeah, drive to Vegas? With this guy? He has no sense of direction. You all know that crazy, chaotic act he pulls in interviews? It's no act, he really is a mess. And now here we are in the desert and I could have sworn I saw that cactus about 20 minutes ago. Yeah, we're lost. 

"We're not lost," he tells me. We make another turn and once again, I hear the GPS saying "Recalculating." 

"Rob, I'm going to paraphrase Chandler Bing here: could we be any more lost?" We then go past the same exact intersection we did two minutes earlier.

"Okay, we may be lost," he says to me. We find a truck stop to turn into and we decide to call it a night. 

"So, who's buying dinner this time," I ask. He then tells me that he thinks it's my turn which I don't argue about. We get inside and find one of those old school truck stops like the ones my dad always told me about during his days driving tractor-trailer over the road.

The waitress takes our order and it seems no one really bothers with us so it must be good. "I'm telling you, we are lost," I tell Rob once again.

"[y/n], we just got thrown slightly off course. We'll just go over to the motel across the way, get some sleep, and start over again tomorrow. No worries."

I go over to the motel to see about a room and find they only have one left. "Okay, I guess we'll take it," I say. Besides, we've done the whole roomie thing before...what could happen?

We get to the room and I notice it's a double bed with a sofa and that's it. "You're taking the bed," he says to me. 

"You'll never fit on that sofa," I tease. He knows I'm right. I mean, he's 6'1" for crying out loud and that sofa has to be at least five feet. But of course he's the classic English gentleman and keeps insisting that I take the bed. 

"I've slept on worse." 

"Okay, fine," I cave. 

I get some things out of the car including a bottle of Southern Comfort that I had just in case things got tense and head back into the room. "So what's with the SoCo," he asks me. 

"I need a drink," I say opening it.

Of course that drink ends up with the both of us having a drink followed by another. We then decide to ask each other weird questions.

 "I have to ask, what was the craziest thing you ever did," he says to me. 

"Probably the time I flashed my old boyfriend in the dining hall."

He almost chokes on the sip of whiskey he's drinking. "What?!'

We go through these crazy questions we keep thinking of when finally I ask if he ever thought of me as anything more than a friend.

" the beginning but that was about it," he would tell me. "What about you?"

"I dunno if I can answer that one," I tease. I then lean over and whisper, "You don't want to know what's been in my mind." 

I have never seen an Englishman blush so much and then take a shot so quickly in my life. "Um...yeah...okay then," he would stammer before doing another shot. 

"Told you I was a wild one," I say taking a shot myself. We both laugh at the moment.

It got real quiet after a while when it happened...I moved closer and we started to kiss. And this wasn't just your normal gentle kiss on the cheek, this was an all out make-out session type kiss. 

"How long," I say after we broke the kiss.

"How long what," he asks as he moves closer. 

"How long have you wanted to do that."

He would kiss me again. "Quite some time, [y/n]."  The kisses would get more and more intense and at one point I could feel my heart pounding so hard that I thought it would jump out of my chest. 

"I thought so," I said as I run my hand through his hair. 

We would find ourselves making out a little longer and things got more and more heated. We roll over to where I'm on top. "You sure about this," he says to me moving the hair from my face. I nodded.

"Remember when I made you blush and take that shot? There was a reason why I pleaded the fifth," I whisper as my fingertips trace his jawline. 

"[y/n], I..." I cut him off by pressing a finger to his lips. 

"Don't say anything," I whisper. "Just kiss me."

"Of course," he says before kissing me once more. I would feel his lips trailing down my neck as the grip on my hips gets tighter. I break the kiss long enough to pull my T-shirt off, leaving me in just a pair of leggings and a lacy black bra. I then pull him closer for another passionate kiss. 

"Are you really sure," he says breathlessly.

"Yeah," I whisper as I look into the soft grey-blue eyes. "Truth is I...I've kinda wanted this for a while." 

"I thought so. I mean, you have flirted with me at every opportunity," he says to me as he pulls me closer for one more kiss. I giggle a little at the remark as he kisses my neck once more followed by the skin that's exposed near the edge of the bra. "Please...don't stop," I moan. 

After a few minutes, I finally get up and give him that "come hither stare." We would find ourselves getting closer and closer to the bed and what would happen next was rather intense and all I will say is that neither one of us slept on the sofa that night. 

The next morning, I look over to see our clothes strewn around the floor and smile. I can feel his lips pressing against my shoulder followed by his fingertips trailing up my hip. I still can't believe that a crazy road trip would lead to some confessions which lead to me sleeping with my best friend. Of course why am I was probably the best I ever had by far. 

"Now that was an interesting night," I hear him whisper in my ear. 

I smile as I roll over to meet his gaze. "Tell me about it," I say as my fingertips graze his jawline. "Also, I don't regret this one bit."

"I don't either," he says right before he kisses me once more. 

And for the record, we never made it to Vegas. We did, however find out our wrong turn landed us in Arizona so we ended up at the Grand Canyon instead. Still was a fun...and wild road trip for sure. 

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