This Is Halloween

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I originally wrote this as a part of a series I did on Tumblr called Signs of Life. I will NEVER publish a full adaptation of the series on Wattpad because it involves the death of the reader's sister & mother and just weeks after I finished it, I lost both my sister & mother. 

Robert Pattinson x reader

Rating: PG...just some Halloween fun this time.

Summary: The reader's mom talked her into doing a church Trunk Or Treat despite not having her heart in the right place this year. It's up to her best friend to help her make the Nightmare Before Christmas come to life in a big way.

"Let's see: got all the goodies, got the decorations, the costume. Looks like I'm all set."

You just survived a trip to Costco where you bought enough candy to put a small child in a diabetic coma because you promised your mom you'd do the Trunk Or Treat event at her church. You did it every year but this year, you almost wanted to bow out because you were in a car accident where your sister was killed and she loved Halloween so much so it was just too heartbreaking.

You're driving down the road headed back to the house when your phone rings. It's your mom so of course you're going to answer.

You hit the Bluetooth button on your steering wheel to answer. "Hey, Mom," you say.

"Did you get everything," she asks.

"Just went to Costco for the candy. You'd think I'm trying to hype up half of the kids in the state with as much candy as I got."

"You always get enough to put a small child in a diabetic coma," your mom teases.

"I have to. You know they get thousands of kids," you tell her. "I'm just not sure I want to do this. With Carrie gone, I don't know if I can do this. You know she always helped me set up the theme."

"But you need to," your mom says. "You've been moping and you need the distraction."

"I know. Look I'm going to pull into this shopping center not too far from here. I need to pick up some things at Target and also Michaels. I should also pick up that spray paint at Home Depot down the road. Talk to you later."

You end the call and go pick up what you need at the stores. You finally head home to find your garage door open and your best friend working on a few things you had started in the garage.

"Okay, Rob, did my mom get you to come over because she knows my heart isn't in it this year," you ask him.

"Well, I showed up to drop off something to you and your mum did say you were out getting things for this," he tells you. "I thought since you had the printouts sitting here, I'll just finish up Jack's house. What do you think?"

You look at the design on the cardboard. "Tim Burton would be proud," you say.

"I never really quite got the big deal with everyone going crazy about Halloween."

"What? They don't have it in England?"

"Not on the level it is here in America."

You laugh for a second. "Well, I could never understand why people in England drive on the wrong side of the road," you tease.

"You know, we think you Americans do, right?"

You laugh and then go over the idea you have for the theme. "So, you know one of Carrie's favorite films was The Nightmare Before Christmas so I figured it would be a really cool tribute to her."

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