Don't Say That

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Rating: PG-13...possibly R. 

Warnings: Some minor profanity, mild sexual innuendo, and some depressing moments but a lot of sweetness as well

Summary: Your best friend tries to get you to see yourself in a different way.

(Written in 1st person POV)

Trying to get myself looking better since the breakup is horrible. I have gone to the gym for months, I've done everything right but I see nothing. Everyone else does but I don't...that is until someone put a mirror in front of me and made me see it.

It's Friday night and I just got home from working out after the most stressful day at work. I can't believe my boss decided to give that little bitch Sandy the promotion. Of course maybe I could because I did see her giving him a blow job in the copy room a couple days ago. Also let's add the fact that days earlier, my ex-boyfriend was promoted to my boss and he got a BJ from Sandy who is now his second in command is insane.

I quit that job today because I was offered something better a few days earlier. I knew the fucker would fire me anyway. So tonight I blew off some steam at the gym. 

I get home and I'm exhausted. I collapse in front of the TV when I hear my roommate scream, "Hey, your crazy English friend is here and I'm headed out to the bar."

Whatever. I mean, my roommate is my old friend from college but whatever. That's when I hear him walk into the living room and say something to me. "So you finally told your ex to kiss your ass?"

I look up. "And a hello to you too, Rob," I say half joking. 

He can see the tension running through me at that point as I gesture for him to join me on the sofa. "What's really the problem," he asks me. I begin to rub my neck as I say. "Aside from me overdoing it at the gym tonight? Everything. Can you believe that Little Miss Perfect Sandy got the fucking promotion and why? Because she's basically a harlot who uses men and looks like a model? Because she has to drop to her knees to get everything she wants. I don't fucking get it. I work my ass off and for what? It's like I'm back in college and those Zeta whatever girls are getting the nice things and I'm getting crap."

"Is that so? I know you're really going crazy because your ex dumped you just months before he became your boss and he said the reason why was because you just didn't meet his expectations but do you really think you're that horrible, [y/n]?"

"Yes," I tell him. "I'm an ogre."

"Don't say that," Rob tells me. "First off, you're not green and secondly even if you were, ogres can be kinda cool. Look at Shrek." 

I laugh at that. "You know I liked Donkey."

"Not the point."

I sigh. "I'm just sick of the other girls getting what I go after. Sometimes I feel like that girl in college who couldn't even get a date for homecoming. Why is it that I'm less than perfect?"

He would scold me once again. "Don't say that." 

"But I feel it. I feel like people look at me and scream 'kill it with fire' but the other girls are held up like they're baby Simba and the kingdom shaman is presenting them to the crowd who is overjoyed." I then look down. "It's the story of my life really."

"You think so little of yourself and it's driving me nuts. Can't you see you're not like that? You got a lot to offer. Also, you're not like the evil stepsisters in Cinderella."

"I didn't say anything about that now." 

He laughs at my reaction. "No, but I knew it was the next thing on your list. And you proved that you didn't need all the high class trappings to get what you want. You also prove that you don't have to be something you're not and stoop to lowbrow standards. If they can't see that, then why bother being around them."

"I also feel like everything I did to make a transformation is not paying off. I mean, everyone says I look good since I started going to the gym regularly and I don't see it. Everyone says these nice things about me and I don't see it. I just see the same girl I always was."

"Ever think that's because it's hard to see these things yourself?" I look at him puzzled. "It's always harder to notice the changes in yourself. At least that's what they say." 

He then notices the mirror in the living room. "Humor me for a second," he tells me as he pulls me off of the couch.

"What are you doing," I say as he drags me over to the mirror. 

"I'm going to show you the changes," he tells me as we face the mirror. "Look in it. Go on...look in the mirror." 

I look in the mirror. "Okay, now what?"

"What do you see."

"An ogre standing next to a charming Brit," I say in a semi-sarcastic tone. He rolls his eyes at the remark. "[y/n], do me a favor and look closer."

I look again. "I still see an ogre." 

"This is going to be a long night," he says to me. 

"Well, you're the one who wanted to do this," I tease.

"Okay, new plan. How about I tell you what I see?"

"Do you see an ogre?"

"Will you shut up about seeing an ogre? You are not an ogre, [y/n]! Do you really want to know what I see?"

I slowly nod. 

"Okay, here's what I see," he tells me. "I see someone who's pretty kick ass. You're actually quite cute in some ways and downright beautiful in others."


"Yes, really. Sure you have a few little flaws here and there but guess what? We all got them. Do you want to know why I like you?"

"Why do you?"

"Because you're not afraid to hide your flaws. I've seen you looking less than perfect and truth is there's nothing wrong with that. You're not an ogre, remember that." 

I turn around and I can feel a tear almost about to escape. "You mean that?"

"Of course. Also, that boss of yours didn't deserve to have you around. You'll're going to do better than you ever thought possible."

I turn around to look in the mirror one more time. "Maybe you're right," I say. "Thanks."

"It all comes in being a best friend. Oh and if I hear you say you're an ogre again, I'm going to start doing an impression of Donkey from Shrek. You don't want to see's awful." 

I laugh at that. Leave it to someone like my bestie to help me through this rough patch. Let's just say that I don't look in the mirror the same way anymore. 

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