Lights,, what?

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Robert Pattinson x reader

Rating: PG...some minor profanity.

Summary:  You're working on a movie set and get the shock of a lifetime when your co-star shows up.

(in first person POV)

So, a friend got me to audition for a small role in this film and wouldn't you know I got the part. It's some weird ass comedy/drama hybrid and the script doesn't make much sense but hey, I'm desperate for work.

I get to the set and I meet with the director and the rest of the crew. They seem okay and then they tell me that my first scene is tomorrow so I hang around just to see the process. Impressive, yes but it's one guy on the cast who caught my eye. 

"Hm...he's kinda cute," I say to myself as I see him joking with a couple of the production assistants. He then looks over towards my direction but I quickly hide. "Shit...he saw me," my brain says. 

Later that day I'm at a diner having a burger with some of the crew when he shows up. He notices Cameron who is one of the electrical guys and goes to strike up a conversation. I quickly hide my face in the menu because let's face it, I never did well with cute guys and he's really cute. Also, he looks rather familiar and that's really intimidating.

The day I film my first scene arrives. The director Leo comes up to me and says, "So, [y/n], I think you should meet your co-star." That's when he shows up.

He makes his presence known to me. "Hello." 

Gah! That English accent, the chiseled jawline...can't be. Who is pranking me because apparently no one told me that Robert Pattinson was in this film!

"Um, hi," I say rather nervously. 

We go to film the scene and I'm flubbing the lines and making a buffoon of myself. Thankfully Leo understands this and after a few takes, he says, "Okay, I think we need a break." 

I look over to see Leo talking with my co-star. "She did better on the screen test," Leo would say. "Maybe you should talk to her." 

Sure enough this very gorgeous and talented actor who I loved in Good Time walks over to me. "Hey, can we have a moment?" 


It gets to the point where Rob and I end up on a first name basis and I finally let him in on what's going on. "I auditioned on a dare," I said. "My friend was also up for this role and she's hurt that she didn't get it. You add the fact that my whole life people thought all I would be good for is working at some diner in New Jersey and it's a recipe for disaster."

"Can I let you in on a secret, [y/n]," he asks me. "Those critics are idiots!" He would then take a sip of coffee before telling me why they are idiots. "People think they know you and have you figured out but they're mostly wrong. Everyone thought I was just better off as a vampire and look where I'm at now. As for the friend, I think she'll get over it and if she doesn't, maybe she should go work at that diner you said about."

I laugh. "It's actually quite refreshing because in school, the girls who always got the lead in the play were the ones who were having sex with the director. I never stooped that low because to me, it was just cheapening myself." 

"There you go. Fuck the haters." 

We go to film the scene and it's way better than it was the first time. Leo would approach Rob and ask what happened. "I just told her the truth," he says to Leo. 

We would continue filming the movie and while my friend didn't get over it, I didn't care. I actually found a new best friend on that set and as for the one who got jealous? Let's just say she's a waitress at a New Jersey. 

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