7. Movie Night

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Third POV (J)

It was Friday and Jaehyun had finally finished his classes for the week. But that doesn't mean he was free from his work.

Jaehyun closed his laptop on frustration, turning off the device. Jaehyun was writing an essay for one of his classes but was having a hard time since he kept thinking of him.

I should go clear my head. Jaehyun sighed, messing up his dark brown hair a bit, standing up while grabbing his jacket and left his apartment.

Jaehyun decided to go see Johnny at his job which was actually at Baekhyun's cafe because of his love for coffee. No surprise there.

Instead of taking his car like he usually does, the alpha chose to walk since he wanted to get some fresh air and the weather had been warm recently.

After a 15 minute walk, the alpha arrived at the cafe and to his luck, his best friend was standing behind the counter with his omega boyfriend standing in front of him. Another no surprise there.

"Nice to see you Jeffery." Johnny said once he spotted the younger alpha.

"Nice to see you too Youngho." Jaehyun replied walking up to the couple.

It was their thing to call each their other name. At first Johnny did it to annoy Jaehyun but Jaehyun quickly found out Johnny's Korean name and the rest became history. But it became a common thing between the two alpha's.

"Hyung what are you doing here?" Ten asked, moving to the side a little so Jaehyun was standing in front of Johnny too. "I thought you were working on the essay for class."

"Had to clear my head." Jaehyun sighed as he took out his card. "My usual please." Jaehyun handed Johnny the money.

The older took the money and started making Jaehyun's drink, allowing the two to talk more.

"Are you thinking of him?" Ten straightforwardly asked, making Jaehyun's ears to turn red.

"Who's him?" Jaehyun casually replied. Thankfully his hood was on so Ten couldn't see his red ears.

"You know who I mean." Ten replied, reaching out to pull the unexpecting alpha's hood. "Ha I knew your ears are red!"

"Stop it!" Jaehyun's blushed even more, covering his ears with his hands now. "And I'm not thinking of him."

"Who's Jaehyun thinking about?" Johnny surprised the two youngest, placing the drink on the counter.

"No one—" Jaehyun started but Ten interrupted him.

"Taeyongie." Ten spoke over the alpha.

"Oh Jiyeon's younger brother?" Johnny said back.

"Wait you know him?" Jaehyun was shocked.

How does my best friend know about my girlfriend's younger brother before me? Jaehyun thought.

"He takes Ten's dance classes so I saw Jiyeon picking him up one time." Johnny explained.

"And you never told me?"

"I thought you already knew." Johnny shrugged.

"Does Yuta or Taeil know?" Jaehyun asked another question.

"No idea but I'm sure they don't." Ten said which Jaehyun just nodded in return.

Jaehyun stayed and talked to Ten and Johnny, except when a customer comes in, Ten and Jaehyun move out the way. But it wasn't very busy like usual so it wasn't a problem.

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